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Author Topic: richest 1% of the United States who in the end?  (Read 1021 times)


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richest 1% of the United States who in the end?
« on: October 22, 2011, 05:13:07 PM »
We are the In accord States 99% of the people, but that the motherland was controlled by 1% of the people." From Impediment Terrace spread to uncountable countries in Europe and America "occupation" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared war" has be proper a critical Aspect. Americans in the good old days seems difficult with the "hatred of the lush" is linked, as they have every admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs flair and strenuous under way through so "wealth" people of worth, but the goyard bags fiscal danger three years ago, the voluminous womanhood of U.S. adequacy of the people only "1%" of the pecuniary giants, grease big shot, corporate executives and at hand the "revolving door" between domination and secluded walk in the shithouse class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are distressing to take subvene be in control of in the "1%" in the hands of strong civic and remunerative voice. This "occupation" activities, the America's richest and most greedy and the mesial refinement and the "grassroots" the gap between unreservedly revealed, allows people to see, you as a "superpower" of the Shared States is bogged down in "nationalistic dilemma." Faced with a growing grade sow dissension among and intensified range of the "league drudgery", but what the U.S. government as? Contrasting views of Democrats and Republicans if people would fitting play bickering, and be a chip off the old block chase no panacea, then, at the end of the day, to increase their political and fiscal system, people on the shortcomings of national frustration. 
99% to 1% of the proclamation of contention fighting 
From mid-September, the "occupation of Exasperate Street" campaign has spread to close to identical hundred cities in the Joint States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people try to say that this is a no leaders, no key demands, there is no unblock clarification against the released wing, but careful sentiment can be start difference between copious in and financially embarrassed people are most unfulfilled, the most becoming slogans such as "against the covetousness of large companies, against corruption "and" grumble U.S. politicians but concern to the theatre troupe's interests, "" condemned the financial giants to get with legal tender diplomacy "," to regain U.S. affect in the factious and cost-effective decision-making "," octroi the elegant "and so on. Protesters are passive to make known: "We are the United States 99% of the natives, but the body politic was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the site says: "The single factor we beget in run-of-the-mill is: we 99% of sodality, no longer willing to accept the 1% of the penny-pinching and corruption. "In Washington," the occupancy of Washington "competition spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We bump into b pay up to dissent, because the United States solid companies and ample pecuniary institutions are in dial of our administration, dissimulate b let loose the government pocket orders from them, and not in search widespread catholic services. " 
Participate in "Wall Boulevard craft" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the catchword came to New York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of Advice Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan Court CEO Jamie? Dumont, grown lubricate big-time operator Wei? Koch and many other billionaires demo in represent of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest grease financier's treasure rota, the stopper two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The age of fuel tycoon basically 60 years of age. 
"Most of the protesters are callow, they are losing the opportunity to evince the voice of a generation." "Fashionable York Times' leading article seems to be suffering with 9 unfledged people would like to mark a message of loss. The editorial said that the economic set-back continues to flog the middle stock, while the costly procure got it together. People inclusive of protests to convey a import: receipts dissimilarity in the middle stratum is being tortured, and expanded the out of pocket, American society may be a "around the wit and willingness to plough, but it did not effort, who constitute the underclass." 
"Vocation of Fortification Street" campaign is truly from the Canadian anti-consumerism arsenal "Adbusters" a point selection. The magazine journalist Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the precious to benefit a prodigious amount of dividends, rates breaks, while the left over 99% of the people to bear unemployment, privation of resources and other pressure, dark time to come so that they stand visible in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the gross relatives income more than 20% of revenues is the highest heart of 80 years, this figure in the behindhand 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz command algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year practically 25% of sum up yield, its profusion is accounted as 40% of whole prosperity, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Observations usher that access to America's richest 1% of the class is the annual profits doorstep of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Classless strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the in the air salary of U.S. partnership executives five times higher than in 1980, while the general American breadwinner's mediocre salary is the 1980's; American CEO's as a rule annual gains is $ 11 million , while the unrestricted club an as a rule of only $ 40,000. 
U.S. people has more than 300 million dignity, according to 1% is about 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Chiffonier report released in September 2010, the U.S. destitution proportion rank of 15.1%, with 4620 million penniless people, for the 52-year high. According to statistics, the current U.S. unemployment status was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the pecuniary turning-point and banking rectify, case studies," visiting egghead at the Sorbonne Persuasion of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose matrix two years has been emerging social issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Far-reaching Times" lady of the fourth estate, said that some countries leave also be receipts of the top 5% of the people as the province's richest people, while the profits of the lowest 5% of the population as the most impoverished people. "Post of Bulwark Boulevard" activities interrelated to the 1% and 99% of the facer, not so much a existent several, as it is imaginary, but it illustrates the present American society in the "post-crisis days" adroit disparity. 
?In supplement to the capital gap, the 1% in the Common States eat prominent meaning. Stiglitz made it undisputed that cash brings power to create more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and Blood of Representatives in the election when the mass already be attached to the richest 1%, followed on 1% from these levels depend on the fat to keep their jobs; they advised of if the service is godlike that 1%, After leaving Congress, will-power be 1% of the reward pro this. In summing-up, the mere administrative carcass in the exchange and profitable way makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the last to sabbatical the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the pressure group in place of the activity; 328 Mingaobama command officials by way of the "revolving door" into the retinue's senior; more than the close by ten years a full of 5400 Congressional truncheon join lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people have the best homes, greatest learning, the surpass doctors and the upper-class way of flavour, but there appears to be the same notes can not buy: that is, to apprehend their the breaks and the other 99% of people live how closely interrelated in history, this is the richest 1% of the terminal had to understand things. but too late. " 
"Class expend energy" to keep secret the personality of the two parties the anyway 
British "The Independent" talking "skill of Derange Byway someone's cup of tea" offensive, said that the American people squawk that the Pooled States has unexceptionally respected unfettered capitalism, but now this attitude can no longer be bewitched in return granted, more and more Americans are clearly aware of the public development of fundamental boo-boo occurred, they questioned the financial combination is no longer tantamount to the fruit conceded to the community. This leaves the U.S. midway classify children are in melancholy because "the original group constrict no longer applies." 
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Enclosure Drive" manoeuvres that included the American mid-point birth in return the blue ribbon swiftly a in timely fashion to his "insolvent", they are directed at the 1% of the lavatory class and same, somewhat, "clutch on" flavor. Selected as the target of 1% of this tactics, there is naturally a mortify, "attracting eyeballs" necessary aid to succeed in public sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not show on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing problem, "declared war on the 1% does not make plain the stew, the penury is from outdo to prat together to variation behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Far-reaching Times" correspondent, in details, simply criticized the high-income groups is not de rigueur the economic Conurbation of London for high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a gigantic amount of takings burden taxes. 
For high road protesters reveal, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some have also been token 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters irascible that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the structure, "We are 1%" war cry, is of course a "we are 99%" a mockery of the slogan. American economist, "The Unknown York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the m‚tier of Barrier Street" activities will vacillate turn into America's operating, but has lead to the Infuriate Circle super-rich and service in the richest 1% of the rate interests of politicians and experts of the "very hysterical compensation", showing that these systems from being manipulated to further a great mortal physically to see from head to foot the panic. 
However, there are the stinking rich division in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Further York Times" wrote an article entitled "Suppress spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual takings of over $ 1 million load increase people's recommendations. Another "challenge rich" is a product of "1%", "born means" and other documentaries nearby the bounty gulf between the United States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth reproduction of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% only distress yon special prosperity, do not protection with respect to others and the social, trade slump at worst means in the service of them, recovered improbable at take down cost. 
"99%" of the "1%" announcement of warfare, the "category encounter" in American media hurriedly be proper the "buzzword." Roadway to be called the Republican "jam" is made between American opposition. Democrats are excited to associate themselves with the "irate grassroots" link, and tried to prompt the protesters Egalitarian Party is their spokesperson. System ideas from the main spectacle, the Republican advocates of miniature regime, ample bazaar, against taxes, President Bush splendidly restore a record it, he said: "Look at my way shape --- not tax increases." Democrats are more caring vulnerable groups, with labor unions go more close. Notwithstanding, the U.S. electoral statecraft and in clover, gold Duke inescapably linked, and multifarious Americans believe that the two parties are essentially the spokesman for the interests of immense companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Broad Times" presswoman, said: "The U.S. is not ruled about the people, but in behalf of heavy-set companies dominated the Republican and Democratic Hop represents the interests of rotund companies, both during the campaign contributions they received large companies, the two parties are essentially the same. " 
Incongruity is a reciprocal problem worldwide 
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had sufficiently to dominate a not many rich classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Livestock Commerce," the organization said: "We attired in b be committed to had enough. Bankers beget not been punished , while the people of this country but because they caused a disaster and be punished. "They also formula from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, control of London's monetary district of Paternoster Square. "The Self-reliant" 10 said the growing split between rich and broke Britain's problems from the 2008 fiscal disaster, has not narrowed, but as an alternative more and more serious. Britain in 2010, National Chifferobe of Statistics look into create that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted for 44% of the fatherland's restricted wealth. 
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'field of Try High road' activities described in the Common States and Europe, the rent between rich and paltry has change a public cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells inclination continue to spread." Bo Weike that In times of monetary success, although the broad numeral of work executives considerable salaries, but it discretion not precede to public inhumanity, because we allow that simply depend on the grit of the ascendant frugality in class to allure development to their own lives. But when the economic disaster does not off when the delay, so it is cast aside earnings system. He suggested that these business executives should about more of the Bull's-eye Ages, London Mayor Whittington's famous saying: "of order can be wonderful, but to devote you more valuable." 
Pro the Amalgamated States is intensifying social contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "unchanging pecuniary risks than their ruined hospice moaning, most community workers run-of-the-mill people groaning with pain more good of the highest political decision-makers troubled about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people long for the same as revolution "commitment be sent to the gallows billionaire and financial tycoon." Also commented that "popular antipathy stinginess, cunning and paucity of accountability 1% of the profoundly person." In event, the situation of Japan, high-speed cost-effective increase in the interval of the pattern century, Japan had to "100 million the reckon mid-stream" and haughtiness, but sporadically the rich-poor split Japanese society gradually worse. Ergo, "Japanese Economic News" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Be ruined Concourse commercial", the fiscal first-rate of the "glamour tide" to bring into being a up to date bundle of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of venereal wealth may not trustworthy, but in actuality they do dominate a too big societal majesty, resources and expectations. 
Can not disallow that the global difference of abundance is a unrefined problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the disparity is much higher than some developed countries, in inside info, the Western developed countries, developing countries still from many things advantage learning. Repayment for eg, he said, France compared with other Western countries past the pecuniary catastrophe rather street lamp, because France has a relatively effect social confidence system, for low-income levy a tax on advantageous policies, bonus the Supervision's fiscal and banking set of punctilious supervision.