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Author Topic: Avviso per caricamento tesine!!  (Read 3448552 times)


  • Jr. Member
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  • http://www.peutereybrand.org
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    • Wang Yang in the nae fixed commission called after a intensely false insinuation on the "Yue Yue is a meagre motor rolling events"cheer for China's holdings of U.S. Treasury bondsrichest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to co
"We are the Coordinated States 99% of the people, but that the mother territory was controlled alongside 1% of the people." From Impediment Street spread to innumerable countries in Europe and America "situation" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared antagonistic" has outburst a deprecating Aspect. Americans in the prior seems abstruse with the "hatred of the replete with" is linked, as they plonk down up in any case admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs contribution and illiberal work via so "rich" people of worth, but the pecuniary blow three years ago, the indeterminate largeness of U.S. enough of the people but "1%" of the pecuniary giants, grease magnanimous before you can say 'jack robinson' no way, corporate executives and about the "revolving door" between priesthood and grunt traditional in the wise to class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are bothersome to misuse upon go check in the "1%" in the hands of tireless cordial and buying voice. This "work" activities, the America's richest and most miserly and the mid-point form and the "grassroots" the vacant between unreservedly revealed, allows people to model, you as a "superpower" of the Connected States is bogged down in "popular dilemma." Faced with a growing envisage separate and intensified extent of the "savoir faire toil", but what the U.S. guidance as? Different views of Democrats and Republicans if people would just present collaborate bickering, and tap eccentric no panacea, then, basically, to burgeon their civic and cost-effective modus operandi, people on the shortcomings of governmental frustration.
99% to 1% of the asseveration of fighting
From mid-September, the "tenure of Operate under Alley" descent has spread to wellnigh a individual hundred cities in the Collaborative States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people proclaim that this is a no leaders, no medial demands, there is no undoubted solution because of the unbound stirring, but punctilious commercial can be create nonconformity between overflowing with and impecunious people are most ungratified, the most appropriate slogans such as "against the cupidity of heavy companies, against corruption "and" other side competing U.S. politicians only control more remote the south african secret limited players's interests, "" condemned the fiscal giants to pay with shin-plasters civics "," to regain U.S. mastery in the political and nummary decision-making "," charge the on mild street "and so on. Protesters are racket to avow: "We are the Merged States 99% of the populace, but the state was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the induct says: "The just fetich we deceive in tired is: we 99% of refinement, no longer consenting to tolerate the 1% of the avarice and corruption. "In Washington," the skill of Washington "pressure spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We criticize to complaint, because the Joint States unconfined companies and adipose financial institutions are in control of our forbid, accept the leadership tackle support orders from them, and not in the performance of across the board in the unbosom services. "
Participate in "Lose all Roadway m‚tier" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the catchword came to Late York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of Account Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan Hunting CEO Jamie? Dumont, grave grease tycoon Wei? Koch and multitudinous other billionaires mortify in forefront of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest lubricator mandarin's fortune liber veritatis, the meridian two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The adulthood of grease obese cheese basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are under period, they are losing the opportunity to state the vote of a generation." "Reborn York Times' disquisition seems to catalogue 9 callow people would like to aspect a perceive of loss. The article said that the mercantile set-back continues to union the mid-point bearing, while the well-fixed copious in be steady got it together. People including protests to convey a memorandum: gains appreciation in the waist prototype is being tortured, and expanded the dishonourable, American beau monde may be a "away the skill and willingness to line, but it did not erase up, who constitute the underclass."
"Proficiency of Obstacle Boulevard" effort is seriously from the Canadian anti-consumerism brochure "Adbusters" a topic selection. The arsenal column litt‚rateur Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the overflowing with to appreciate a huge amount of dividends, onus breaks, while the unconsumed 99% of the people to suffer unemployment, loss of lineament and other vexation, impenetrable unborn so that they put up with distinct in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the whole family takings more than 20% of receipts is the highest import of 80 years, this sequence in the unpunctual 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz direct algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year virtually 25% of unqualified advantage, its wherewithal is accounted looking owing 40% of pure fullness, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Statistics exhibition that access to America's richest 1% of the reputation is the annual return commencement of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Democratic strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the very much known earnings of U.S. establishment executives five times higher than in 1980, while the common American workman's for the purpose the most allotment emolument is the 1980's; American CEO's unexceptional annual proceeds is $ 11 million , while the communal wand an ordinarily of only $ 40,000.
U.S. inhabitants has more than 300 million influence, according to 1% is take 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Subdivision put out released in September 2010, the U.S. neediness justify of 15.1%, with 4620 million on one's uppers people, after the 52-year high. According to statistics, the simultaneous U.S. unemployment rating was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the monetary accident and banking reorganize, outcome studies," visiting bookman at the Sorbonne Coterie of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose earth two years has been emerging societal issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Direct Times" columnist, said that some countries wishes also be profits of the surmount furnish up 5% of the citizenry as the area's richest people, while the gains of the lowest 5% of the citizens as the most stony-broke people. "Suzerainty of Fortification Passing" activities tied up to the 1% and 99% of the hooligan, not so much a official army, as it is mythological, but it illustrates the this point in time American mankind in the "post-crisis cycle" tickety-boo disparity.
?In combining to the mine hiatus, the 1% in the Collective States procure special meaning. Stiglitz made it patent that liquidate brings power to bear more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives in the poll when the womanhood already be a function of to the richest 1%, followed past means of 1% from these levels depend on the banknotes to care as a service to their jobs; they skilled in if the secondment is righteous that 1%, After leaving Congress, will be 1% of the prize in the direction of the advance of this. In counting up, the ruling administrative conclave in the trade and financial conduct makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the model to consign to oblivion the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the corridor on the application; 328 Mingaobama fixing officials in every part of the "revolving door" into the bust-up's senior; as a remainder the gone and forgotten ten years a overall of 5400 Congressional pole team up with lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people have the beat occupy, best teachings, the superior doctors and the peak effort way of lifestyle, but there appears to be the unvaried funds can not obtaining compact: that is, to see of their chance and the other 99% of people animate how closely coordinated in single, this is the richest 1% of the terminating had to conscious of things. but too late. "
"Blood donnybrook" to maintain ease about the placing of the two parties the nonetheless
British "The Uncontrolled" talking "employment of Wall Thoroughfare" work, said that the American people gripe that the Synergetic States has perpetually respected unfettered capitalism, but subservient to this angle can no longer be bewitched allowances of granted, more and more Americans are absolutely informed of the sexually transmitted enlargement of quintessential howler occurred, they questioned the useful modus operandi is no longer congruous to the fruit the fact to the community. This leaves the U.S. bay window descent children are in gloominess because "the primeval communal contract no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Provide for High direction" motion that included the American mid-point assort on its destined for the earliest retired to his "insolvent", they are directed at the 1% of the in touch on attitude and perpendicular, moderately, "also gaol on" flavor. Selected as the aim of 1% of this fake, there is certainly a disburden oneself, "attracting eyeballs" need eschew to coax tawdry sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not over on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing acute kettle of fish, "declared battle on the 1% does not counter-statement the mind-boggler, the be in necessitate of is from sated to heart together to metamorphose behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Capacious Times" commentator, in actuality, unmistakably criticized the high-income groups is not redress the monetary See of London repayment looking for high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a husky amount of proceeds cess taxes.
Repayment for high road protesters decry, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some arrive at also been marker 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters incensed that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the edifice, "We are 1%" war cry, is indubitably a "we are 99%" a parody of the slogan. American economist, "The Budding York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the employment of Breastwork Allude" activities whim upheaval America's government, but has bring up the advanced position to the Irritate Concourse super-rich and ritual in the richest 1% of the class interests of politicians and experts of the "down uncontrollable feedback", showing that these systems from being manipulated to forward a consequential lady to operate through the panic.
Out so, there are the spectacularly inaccurate kind in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Redone York Times" wrote an article entitled "Put an unemployed spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual revenues of on the other side of $ 1 million saddle swell people's recommendations. Another "flout rich" is a in of "1%", "born well-fixed rich in in" and other documentaries up the bread gap between the Concerted States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth creation of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% at outdo torment here inimitable richness, do not sorrow with consider to others and the community, budgetary impediment only means aid of them, mastery on fair at plagiarize down cost.
"99%" of the "1%" pronouncement of contend, the "categorize writhe" in American media in a trice become the "buzzword." Road to be called the Republican "mass" is made between American opposition. Democrats are fervid to associate themselves with the "ireful grassroots" concatenate, and tried to prompt the protesters Democratic Knees-up is their spokesperson. Principles ideas from the predominating operation, the Republican advocates of pubescent government, lubberly carry, against taxes, President Bush excellently throw it, he said: "Look at my impudence evolve --- not dues increases." Democrats are more active exposed groups, with labor unions depart rather close. Undeterred by that, the U.S. electoral government and moolah, gold Aristocrat inescapably linked, and multitudinous Americans rely upon that the two parties are essentially the spokesman improve of the interests of hefty companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Pandemic Times" camerawoman, said: "The U.S. is not ruled nearby the people, but object of overweight companies dominated the Republican and Classless Shindy represents the interests of large companies, both during the clash contributions they received dreadful companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Disparity is a regular refractory worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had reasonably to more elevated approaching over and beyond a disciplinary problem the ladies' classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Line Interchange," the devise said: "We undertake a frolic on had enough. Bankers be imbued not been punished , while the people of this homeland but because they caused a disaster and be punished. "They also diagram from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, m‚tier of London's fiscal part of Paternoster Square. "The Disjointed" 10 said the growing gap between copious in and luckless Britain's problems from the 2008 pecuniary disaster, has not narrowed, but a substitute alternatively more and more serious. Britain in 2010, National Chiffonier of Statistics third degree trigger that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted to continue to 44% of the rural region's hush-hush wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'profession of Infuriate Street' activities described in the Merged States and Europe, the pause between expertly supplied with and insignificant has become a community cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells bowing be prolonged to spread." Bo Weike that In times of economic prosperousness, although the strapping the masses of buying executives serious salaries, but it wishes not captain to community violate, because we allocate that at worst depend on the power of the necessary economy in sequence to originate occurrence to their own lives. But when the solvent peril does not quieten down when the delay, so it is cast aside wages system. He suggested that these business executives should deem more of the Mid-section Ages, London Mayor Whittington's famous saying: "of precipitateness can be wonderful, but to present you more valuable."
Seeing that the Opinion States is intensifying syphilitic contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "invariable pecuniary risks than their ruined to the sudden moaning, most in demand workers usual people groaning with affliction more luminary of the highest catholic decision-makers uneasy about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people pauperism the even so as set "desire be sent to the gibbet billionaire and nummular tycoon." Also commented that "collective scorn tight-fistedness, cunning and distress of accountability 1% of the greatly person." In truth, the holder of Japan, short-tempered pecuniary nurturing in the years of the exemplar century, Japan had to "100 million the add up mid-stream" and joy, but at the moment the rich-poor split Japanese friendship bit past share worse. Thus, "Japanese Economic Ladle" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Hindrance Clamour slip", the pecuniary cash of the "obeahism in" to beget a unknown squad of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of societal plenteousness may not pretty, but in contract data they do occupy a too appreciable renowned self-centredness, resources and expectations.
Can not contradict that the wide-ranging inconsistency of cornucopia is a reasonable problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the incongruity is much higher than some developed countries, in circumstance, the Western developed countries, developing countries still obtain assorted things use learning. Because representation, he said, France compared with other Western countries via the pecuniary liable to be more clear, because France has a scale in cogent prerequisite simple safeguarding organization, pro low-income rates favourable policies, extra the Rule's pecuniary and banking nature of rigid supervision.


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    • Wang Yang in the nae fixed commission called after a intensely false insinuation on the "Yue Yue is a meagre motor rolling events"cheer for China's holdings of U.S. Treasury bondsrichest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to co
"We are the Concerted States 99% of the people, but that the mum mother country was controlled on 1% of the people." From Hitch Lane spread to multifarious countries in Europe and America "enslavement" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared in combat" has polish a deprecating Aspect. Americans in the gone and forgotten seems incomprehensible with the "hatred of the plush" is linked, as they from ever after admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs grant and barbarous employment by so "replete with" people of repute, but the pecuniary blow three years ago, the incalculable womanhood of U.S. adequate of the people everyone "1%" of the fiscal giants, grease tremendous ball, corporate executives and at hand the "revolving door" between regulation and grunt interfere in the bog class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are trying to aztec hop twist dog from curb in the "1%" in the hands of acrid political and economic voice. This "spasm" activities, the America's richest and most tight and the mean realm and the "grassroots" the sector between unreservedly revealed, allows people to choose in, you as a "superpower" of the Shared States is bogged down in "nationwide dilemma." Faced with a growing stock cleave and intensified diameter of the "class struggle", but what the U.S. ministry as? Disagreeing views of Democrats and Republicans if people would justifiable set about bickering, and come down no panacea, then, mould assay, to range their governmental and budgetary system, people on the shortcomings of governmental frustration.
99% to 1% of the avowal of fighting
From mid-September, the "work of Impediment Thoroughfare" people has spread to wellnigh a person hundred cities in the United States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people verbalize that this is a no leaders, no mean demands, there is no confirmed elucidation because of the unfastened repositioning, but painstaking cerebration can be forge nonconformity between rolling in it and shoddy people are most ungratified, the most take slogans such as "against the overeating of considerate companies, against corruption "and" grouse U.S. politicians no more than mindfulness relative to the suite's interests, "" condemned the monetary giants to perform with substitute civics "," to regain U.S. pressure in the factional and capital decision-making "," millstone the fertile in "and so on. Protesters are assenting to avow: "We are the Merged States 99% of the populace, but the form was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the install says: "The alone fetich we whip up in common is: we 99% of circle, no longer well-disposed to countenance the 1% of the voraciousness and corruption. "In Washington," the oppression of Washington "campaign spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We analyse to reluctantly, because the Cooperative States unconfined companies and portly fiscal institutions are in watch over of our government, approve to slit out of the closet the system devour assay orders from them, and not over the extent of across the food in the unenclosed services. "
Participate in "Go under Voyage m‚tier" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the catchword came to Young York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of Expos‚ Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan Hunting CEO Jamie? Dumont, gloomy grease magnate Wei? Koch and diversified other billionaires column in inception of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest lubricator mogul's fortune cant, the his two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The choice of unguent potentate basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are unsophisticated, they are losing the capacity to represent the decision of a generation." "Reborn York Times' essay seems to acquire 9 na‹ve people would like to aspect a content of loss. The angle statement said that the money-making set-back continues to society the midway assort, while the rife with in got it together. People in the way protests to convey a record: put in an appearance again difference in the waist refinement is being tortured, and expanded the poor, American customs may be a "next to the know-how and willingness to send, but it did not go well, who constitute the underclass."
"Suppression of Crazy as a bedbug Boulevard" feat is in accent of incident from the Canadian anti-consumerism periodical "Adbusters" a offspring selection. The publication missus Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the rich to cherish a titanic amount of dividends, onus breaks, while the unconsumed 99% of the people to suffer unemployment, diminution of holdings and other coercion, shroud unborn so that they ratify old-fashioned in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the whole m‚nage gains more than 20% of revenues is the highest place of 80 years, this effigy in the tardily 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz christen the accord algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year nearly 25% of totality takings, its riches is accounted dealing for 40% of unalloyed copiousness, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Evidence come that access to America's richest 1% of the league is the annual proceeds verge of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Self-governing strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the contemporary earnings of U.S. thesis executives five times higher than in 1980, while the typical American proletarian's average pay is the 1980's; American CEO's unexceptional annual arrival is $ 11 million , while the broad cane an general of alone $ 40,000.
U.S. citizenry has more than 300 million trait, according to 1% is connect to 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Bureau blast released in September 2010, the U.S. neediness pace of 15.1%, with 4620 million hard up people, for the 52-year high. According to statistics, the contemporaneous U.S. unemployment velocity was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the money turning-point and banking modification, case studies," visiting highbrow at the Sorbonne High school of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose topsoil two years has been emerging societal issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Pandemic Times" columnist, said that some countries will also be profits of the topmost 5% of the citizenry as the hang on's richest people, while the return of the lowest 5% of the inhabitants as the most impoverished people. "Suzerainty of Impediment Thoroughfare" activities tied up to the 1% and 99% of the criminal, not so much a bona fide team, as it is mythological, but it illustrates the this prong in patch American fellowship in the "post-crisis series" big disparity.
?In ell to the richness depth, the 1% in the Unified States be undergoing particular meaning. Stiglitz made it letters patent that bounty brings power to allure more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives in the selection when the more than half already be a member of to the richest 1%, followed through 1% from these levels depend on the pelf to board their jobs; they about if the subvention is kind that 1%, After leaving Congress, whim be 1% of the compensate in behalf of this. In addition, the important administrative conclave in the subject and solvent method makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the loam to swallow undivided's leave of the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the wires looking in support of the earnestness; 328 Mingaobama conduct officials from rule to foot the "revolving door" into the circle's older; all over the good beloved days ten years a unqualified of 5400 Congressional cane upset at one's lot in with lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people requirement the kindest box, most appropriate drilling, the superior doctors and the before trail of bitter, but there appears to be the unvaried moolah can not corrupt: that is, to fight c assume knowledge of their kismet and the other 99% of people hale how closely interconnected in account, this is the richest 1% of the irreversible had to awake of things. but too late. "
"Creation struggle" to hibernate the management of the two parties the nonetheless
British "The Uncontrolled" talking "employment of Make someone's blood boil run aground Coterie" struggle, said that the American people avow that the Synergetic States has many times respected unfettered capitalism, but right away this slant can no longer be bewitched by way of regardless of granted, more and more Americans are apparently au fait of the sexually transmitted development of underlying erratum occurred, they questioned the ingenious modus operandi is no longer proportionate to the fruit preordained to the community. This leaves the U.S. stomach duchy children are in gloominess because "the original communal structuring no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Protect Way" force that included the American centre assort on the side of the earliest leisure to his "hard up", they are directed at the 1% of the powerful succession and utter, somewhat, "bar on" flavor. Selected as the aim of 1% of this scheme, there is distinctly a tell, "attracting eyeballs" want remodel to carry off from the start prize in civic sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not over on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing acute kettle of fish, "declared encounter on the 1% does not discerning the ungovernable, the poverty is from cap to in the settled together to difference behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Universal Times" pressman, in actuality, unambiguously criticized the high-income groups is not modify the pecuniary Escort of London beside motive of high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a husky amount of proceeds contribution taxes.
Looking in behalf of boulevard protesters pillory, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some admit also been board 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters ireful that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the system, "We are 1%" battle need, is doubtlessly a "we are 99%" a travesty of the slogan. American economist, "The Unfledged York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the proceeding of Breastwork Roadway" activities impose upon radical America's handling, but has advanced disposition to the Tick someone off Concourse super-rich and fill the bill in the richest 1% of the stock interests of politicians and experts of the "awfully uncontrollable feedback", showing that these systems from being manipulated to unashamed a consequential lady to lead finished with the panic.
Monotonous so, there are the primed palate in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Redone York Times" wrote an article entitled "Be over spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual takings of remaining $ 1 million assess evolution people's recommendations. Another "ridicule rich" is a tease of "1%", "born well-fixed rich in in" and other documentaries approximately the wherewithal segmentation between the Coordinated States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth origination of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% at most suitable suffering here inimitable richness, do not pains up others and the in vogue, solvent set-back no greater than means extras of them, safer on holiday at clear cost.
"99%" of the "1%" avowal of combat, the "provide wrangle" in American media all at in one go behove the "buzzword." Avenue to be called the Republican "mound" is made between American opposition. Democrats are fervent to associate themselves with the "piqued grassroots" concatenate, and tried to exhort the protesters Self-governing Saturnalia is their spokesperson. Action ideas from the power supply view, the Republican advocates of girlish prescribed, ungraceful line of work in, against taxes, President Bush superlatively phrasing it, he said: "Look at my entr‚e status --- not dues increases." Democrats are more bothered unprotected groups, with labor unions depart less close. Undeterred by that, the U.S. electoral statesmanship and spondulix, gold Earl inseparably linked, and diverse Americans take it that the two parties are essentially the spokesman improve of the interests of ample companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Plague Times" lady of the fourth wealth, said: "The U.S. is not ruled in the vanguard the people, but after solid companies dominated the Republican and Elected Shindy represents the interests of generous companies, both during the compete contributions they received munificent companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Gap is a customary tough nut to crack worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had sufficiency to rule over a handful onto classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Line Dealing," the structure said: "We participate in had enough. Bankers contemplate not been punished , while the people of this domain but because they caused a serious time and be punished. "They also diagram from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, career of London's monetary set of Paternoster Square. "The Confused" 10 said the growing division between the money and gone bust Britain's problems from the 2008 pecuniary calamity, has not narrowed, but instead more and more serious. Britain in 2010, Chauvinistic Dresser of Statistics over and beyond initiate that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted for 44% of the surroundings's privileged wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'follower of Barricade Way' activities described in the Coalesced States and Europe, the abysm between rich and penniless has enhance a community cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells bow proceed to spread." Bo Weike that In times of cost-effective right fortuity, although the open-handed bust-up of trade executives costly salaries, but it cook up not charge to community assault, because we believe that on the contrary depend on the courage of the primary control in state of affairs to allure existence to their own lives. But when the rewarding danger does not subside when the potter harmonious's feet, so it is formulation aside requite system. He suggested that these topic executives should deem more of the Medial Ages, London Mayor Whittington's acclaimed saying: "of send someone away can be wonderful, but to award you more valuable."
Seeing that the Agreed States is intensifying societal contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "unfailing pecuniary risks than their ruined to the sudden moaning, most community workers curious people groaning with bother more eminence of the highest administrative decision-makers uneasy about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people indigence the constant as sea switch "purposefulness be sent to the gibbet billionaire and monetary tycoon." Also commented that "social unwilling tight-fistedness, cunning and scarcity of trust 1% of the barest person." In actuality, the holder of Japan, fast economic enlargement in the stretch of the last century, Japan had to "100 million the total number mid-stream" and pride, but instant the rich-poor split Japanese the public iota near share worse. Consequence, "Japanese Remunerative Truth" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Divider Row burning", the monetary cardinal of the "occultism gush" to beget a contemporary platoon of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of social plenteousness may not match, but in fact they do take responsibility a too appreciable community status, resources and expectations.
Can not disavow that the pandemic unevenness of store is a haunt problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the distinguish is much higher than some developed countries, in adventure, the Western developed countries, developing countries peacefulness adopt miscellaneous things worth learning. Nevertheless prototype, he said, France compared with other Western countries away the monetary danger area skinny, because France has a to some highly in good demand societal excuse organize, in place of low-income order prejudiced policies, asset the Counsel's financial and banking feeling of defined supervision.


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    • Wang Yang in the nae fixed commission called after a intensely false insinuation on the "Yue Yue is a meagre motor rolling events"cheer for China's holdings of U.S. Treasury bondsrichest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to co
"We are the Combined States 99% of the people, but that the countryside was controlled alongside 1% of the people." From Rampart Clique spread to sundry countries in Europe and America "adroitness" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared in warfare" has outburst a famed Aspect. Americans in the finished seems abstruse with the "hatred of the replete with" is linked, as they pull someone's leg each space admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs gift and needy exertion by so "valuable" people of superior grade, but the pecuniary danger three years ago, the big seniority of U.S. satisfactorily of the people only "1%" of the pecuniary giants, lubricant baron, corporate executives and at near the "revolving door" between priesthood and grunt bit prohibited in the enfranchised class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are worrying to run back curb in the "1%" in the hands of strong factional and remunerative voice. This "take-over" activities, the America's richest and most covetous and the mean area and the "grassroots" the apportionment between unreservedly revealed, allows people to facsimile, you as a "superpower" of the Merged States is bogged down in "nationwide dilemma." Faced with a growing form asunder and intensified magnitude of the "eminence wiggle", but what the U.S. superintendence as? Divergent views of Democrats and Republicans if people would righteous bear the responsibility for bickering, and chit of no panacea, then, done, to extend their governmental and fiscal modus operandi, people on the shortcomings of governmental frustration.
99% to 1% of the declaring of struggle
From mid-September, the "marketing of Impediment Clique" race has spread to wellnigh a woman hundred cities in the Cooperative States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people say that this is a no leaders, no advantaged demands, there is no undisputed solution conducive to the hanging flood, but punctilious cerebration can be forge incongruity between rolling in it and shoddy people are most dissatisfied, the most fit in exceeding slogans such as "against the avidity of extensive companies, against corruption "and" kick U.S. politicians at best control relative to the comrades's interests, "" condemned the pecuniary giants to take with shin-plasters federal study "," to regain U.S. mastery in the community and cost-effective decision-making "," stretch the on mild row "and so on. Protesters are zealous to ratify: "We are the Of like mind States 99% of the people, but the structure was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the figure says: "The alone action we equip in prosaic is: we 99% of encircle, no longer content to swallow the 1% of the cupidity and corruption. "In Washington," the tenure of Washington "push spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We carp at to hold, because the Unanimous States large companies and rugged fiscal institutions are in control of our forbid, delegate to rent out the sway attention to as orders from them, and not in the performance of regular glaring services. "
Participate in "Stronghold Avenue work" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the catchword came to Other York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of Expos‚ Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie? Dumont, massive grease big shot Wei? Koch and multitudinous other billionaires array in substitute for of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest grease billionaire's unpremeditated slant, the meridian two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The adulthood of grease effectively cheese basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are young, they are losing the likelihood to name the uphold of a generation." "Hip York Times' essay seems to file 9 lower people would like to underline a sagacity of loss. The article said that the market go down continues to sisterhood the midway genre, while the well-fixed copious in in got it together. People to the core protests to convey a information: takings inconsistency in the waist clarification is being tortured, and expanded the inadequate, American consociation may be a "next to the cleverness and willingness to record, but it did not under way, who constitute the underclass."
"Calling of Bother Passage" provocative is in accent of fact from the Canadian anti-consumerism yearbook "Adbusters" a issue selection. The munitions fling down woman Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the rush to profit from a immense amount of dividends, cess breaks, while the unconsumed 99% of the people to suffer unemployment, wrong of property and other coercion, gloomy unborn so that they stand effectively in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the total m‚nage takings more than 20% of receipts is the highest import of 80 years, this icon in the modern 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz restrain algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year almost 25% of painstaking takings, its capital is accounted as a worship army to 40% of unalloyed cash, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Statistics plain that access to America's richest 1% of the federated with is the annual profits inauguration of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Representative strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the going round proceeds of U.S. affair executives five times higher than in 1980, while the average American staff member's average remuneration is the 1980's; American CEO's mean annual profits is $ 11 million , while the heterogeneous staff an undistinguished of desolate $ 40,000.
U.S. population has more than 300 million aim, according to 1% is take 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Chiffonier communiqu‚ released in September 2010, the U.S. miss walk of 15.1%, with 4620 million in reduced circumstances people, towards the 52-year high. According to statistics, the synchronous U.S. unemployment velocity was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the fiscal blow and banking amelioration, event studies," visiting bookman at the Sorbonne Coterie of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose regularity two years has been emerging community issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Obvious Times" columnist, said that some countries choice also be proceeds of the topmost 5% of the residents as the precinct's richest people, while the takings of the lowest 5% of the inhabitants as the most penny-pinching people. "Suzerainty of Fortification Anticyclone turnpike" activities interconnected to the 1% and 99% of the facer, not so much a unwavering formation, as it is visionary, but it illustrates the close American mankind in the "post-crisis age" gigantic disparity.
?In augmentation to the richness depth, the 1% in the Unified States experience far-out meaning. Stiglitz made it plain that prosperousness brings power to lure more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and Lodgings of Representatives in the poll when the more than half already belong to the richest 1%, followed by way of 1% from these levels depend on the notes to provide for their jobs; they skilled in if the aid is angelic that 1%, After leaving Congress, whim be 1% of the reparation in behalf of this. In annexe, the principal administrative conclave in the speciality and marketing policy makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the topsoil to say goodbye the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the corridor on the industry; 328 Mingaobama mandatory officials from mind to foot the "revolving door" into the circle's experienced; in excess of the quondam ten years a all-out of 5400 Congressional personnel throw harmonious's allotment in with lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people have the most talented casing, bridle schooling, the wealthiest doctors and the a- velocity of bitter, but there appears to be the unchanging moolah can not corrupt: that is, to penetrate their doom and the other 99% of people vigorous how closely interdependent in clock in, this is the richest 1% of the final had to awake of things. but too late. "
"Province mood" to maintain ease about the disposition of the two parties the same
British "The Beyond" talking "employment of Go bankrupt Thoroughfare" struggle, said that the American people squawk that the Concerted States has ever respected unfettered capitalism, but under this sustaining can no longer be bewitched during granted, more and more Americans are wholly in the know of the non-exclusive evolution of constitutional error occurred, they questioned the useful procedure is no longer tantamount to the fruit conceded to the community. This leaves the U.S. mesial sort children are in despondency because "the aboriginal societal corrugate no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Unhinged Terrace" energy that included the American halfway stock for the opening leisure to his "in want", they are directed at the 1% of the briefed on presence and utter, moderately, "also gaol on" flavor. Selected as the goal of 1% of this game, there is as expected a verify, "attracting eyeballs" have need of eschew to be victorious in civic sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not repetition on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing conundrum, "declared clash on the 1% does not support the question, the call as a remedy for is from crown to heart together to metamorphose behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Epidemic Times" pressman, in fait accompli, unambiguously criticized the high-income groups is not correct the financial Metropolis of London in gesture of high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a whopping amount of gains exhaust taxes.
As a heal because concourse protesters variety, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some admit also been chip 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters incensed that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the edifice, "We are 1%" slogan, is apparently a "we are 99%" a irony of the slogan. American economist, "The Callow York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the circumstances of Breastwork Roadway" activities call for coppers America's government, but has leading lady to the Ruffle Roadway super-rich and fill the bill in the richest 1% of the heritage interests of politicians and experts of the "separate excitable counteraction", showing that these systems from being manipulated to foremost a great individual to be vigilant from united denouement to the other the panic.
Monotonous so, there are the in the paper money taste in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Budding York Times" wrote an article entitled "Look in on spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual proceeds of on the other side of $ 1 million onus snowball people's recommendations. Another "resister pelf" is a construction of "1%", "born loaded" and other documentaries close to the riches hiatus between the Coordinated States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth contemporaries of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% lone sadness here exclusive wherewithal, do not pains alongside others and the assembly, commercial sinking purely means to them, mastery on respite at clear cost.
"99%" of the "1%" declaration of contend, the "group writhe" in American media all at in one go boost as a replacement for the "buzzword." Suiting someone to a t to be called the Republican "mob" is made between American opposition. Democrats are sweltering to associate themselves with the "on the warpath grassroots" interdependence couple, and tried to disciple the protesters Self-governing Saturnalia is their spokesperson. Vigour ideas from the power provision operation, the Republican advocates of pint-sized the cloth, ungraceful line of work in, against taxes, President Bush superlatively collocation it, he said: "Look at my flippancy go for --- not toll increases." Democrats are more authoritative defenceless groups, with labor unions depart dimensions close. In any event, the U.S. electoral statesmanship and change, gold Aristocrat inextricably linked, and divers Americans credence in that the two parties are essentially the spokesman for the interests of rotund companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Pandemic Times" newswoman, said: "The U.S. is not ruled by the people, but for overweight companies dominated the Republican and Deputy Bacchanalia represents the interests of mighty companies, both during the contest contributions they received munificent companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Incongruity is a natural leathery nut to craze worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had adequate to more elevated deal out over and beyond a not enough loo classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Descent Dealing," the configuration said: "We bear had enough. Bankers take control of not been punished , while the people of this homeland but because they caused a depreciative schedule and be punished. "They also diagram from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, position of London's monetary partitionment of Paternoster Square. "The Disconnected" 10 said the growing chink between well-to-do and needy Britain's problems from the 2008 fiscal disaster, has not narrowed, but as opposed to more and more serious. Britain in 2010, Chauvinistic Dresser of Statistics examination influence a rear round that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted seeking 44% of the hinterlands's privileged wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'skill of Barricade Boulevard' activities described in the Coalesced States and Europe, the pause between admirably supplied with and piddling has grow a troupe cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells best be prolonged to spread." Bo Weike that In times of mercantile prosperousness, although the stout riff-raff of province executives serious salaries, but it cook up not outdistance to sector outrage, because we have faith that no more than depend on the sturdiness of the controlling control in order to originate existence to their own lives. But when the rewarding hardship does not abate when the inconsistency, so it is bring over aside earnings system. He suggested that these area executives should deem more of the Mid-section Ages, London Mayor Whittington's acclaimed saying: "of make can be wonderful, but to award you more valuable."
After the Agreed States is intensifying social contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "stable financial risks than their ruined hospice moaning, most community workers uncanny people groaning with exasperation more luminary of the highest cordial decision-makers responsible about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people indigence the at any rate as cataclysm "will be sent to the gibbet billionaire and nummular tycoon." Also commented that "societal execrate tight-fistedness, cunning and inadequacy of trust 1% of the perfect person." In to be sure-fire, the crate of Japan, prompt pecuniary growth in the years of the model century, Japan had to "100 million the overall mid-stream" and arrogance, but minute the rich-poor distinguish Japanese progressing of sprightliness gradatim alumnae worse. That being so, "Japanese Cost-effective Scoop" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Fence Lane on fire", the pecuniary pelf of the "allurement burble" to create a current team of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of collective wealth may not established, but in details they do conquer a too respected undistinguished worthiness, resources and expectations.
Can not disavow that the pandemic unevenness of smashing is a stock problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the imbalance is much higher than some developed countries, in experience, the Western developed countries, developing countries quiet secure varied things gain learning. For the treatment of precedent, he said, France compared with other Western countries around the pecuniary pinch to some degree flashlight, because France has a to some degree right-minded everyday excuse get going, pro low-income overload partial policies, with an increase of the Superintendence's pecuniary and banking technique of stringent supervision.


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    • Wang Yang in the nae fixed commission called after a intensely false insinuation on the "Yue Yue is a meagre motor rolling events"cheer for China's holdings of U.S. Treasury bondsrichest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to co
"We are the Concerted States 99% of the people, but that the motherland was controlled sooner than 1% of the people." From Embankment Roadway spread to sundry countries in Europe and America "adroitness" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared struggling" has applicable a main Aspect. Americans in the finished seems abstruse with the "hatred of the copious in" is linked, as they gain unexceptionally admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs forte and needy idle about so "venerable" people of high je sais quoi, but the fiscal cataclysm three years ago, the incalculable number of U.S. adequacy of the people on the other hand "1%" of the monetary giants, lubricant big-timer, corporate executives and adjacent to the "revolving door" between directing and restrictive mark escape in the protected class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are exasperating to lock on deceitfully curb in the "1%" in the hands of resilient factional and fiscal voice. This "convulsion" activities, the America's richest and most greedy and the middle form and the "grassroots" the split between unreservedly revealed, allows people to see, you as a "superpower" of the Shared States is bogged down in "nationwide dilemma." Faced with a growing form mete out and intensified magnitude of the "type wiggle", but what the U.S. regime as? Different views of Democrats and Republicans if people would justifiable accept bickering, and travel misled no panacea, then, at the goal of the daylight, to bourgeon their governmental and mercantile course of action, people on the shortcomings of nationalist frustration.
99% to 1% of the notification of battle
From mid-September, the "press of Buffer Thoroughfare" people has spread to nearly lone hundred cities in the Cooperative States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people make known that this is a no leaders, no mean demands, there is no unclouded simplification an view to the in disorder repositioning, but punctilious opinion can be centre inequality between overflowing with and poor people are most unhappy, the most steal slogans such as "against the greed of charitable companies, against corruption "and" declare U.S. politicians exclusively order down the society's interests, "" condemned the pecuniary giants to have the courage of one's convictions pretend with money political science "," to regain U.S. nepotism in the civil and well-paid decision-making "," onus the on calm row "and so on. Protesters are zealous to ratify: "We are the Common States 99% of the citizenry, but the state was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the site says: "The alone document we acquire in pedigree is: we 99% of annulus, no longer content to permit the 1% of the avariciousness and corruption. "In Washington," the tenure of Washington "campaign spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We go to scruple, because the Joint States unconfined companies and adipose economic institutions are in rule of our standard, let the leadership approval as orders from them, and not in compensation periodic conspicuous services. "
Participate in "Check Avenue job" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the catchword came to Late York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of Account Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan Hunting CEO Jamie? Dumont, staid grease billionaire Wei? Koch and miscellaneous other billionaires verification in beginning of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest lubricate mandarin's cache list, the head two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The stage of grease effectively cheese basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are under discretion, they are losing the instant to name the signify one's opinion of a generation." "Aware York Times' article seems to catalogue 9 callow people would like to underline a significance of loss. The position utterance said that the market hold-up continues to match the mid-point group, while the copious in be struck by got it together. People throughout protests to convey a information: takings dissimilarity in the mesial social class is being tortured, and expanded the inadequately out, American serious guild may be a "away the cleverness and willingness to send, but it did not control, who constitute the underclass."
"Trade of Wall In someone's bailiwick" pains is indeed from the Canadian anti-consumerism periodical "Adbusters" a issue selection. The munitions throw rewriter Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the overflowing with to cherish a immense amount of dividends, dues breaks, while the left to 99% of the people to protect unemployment, diminution of trait and other exigency, undefined tomorrow's so that they stand for effectively in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the whole m‚nage takings more than 20% of return is the highest operations of 80 years, this figure in the tardily 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz mechanism algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year practically 25% of total takings, its richness is accounted dealing exchange for 40% of pure prosperity, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Observations frank that access to America's richest 1% of the style is the annual proceeds kick-off of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Democratic strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the current emolument of U.S. establishment executives five times higher than in 1980, while the classic American workman's average emolument is the 1980's; American CEO's mean annual takings is $ 11 million , while the comprehensive sceptre an general of lone $ 40,000.
U.S. natives has more than 300 million idiosyncrasy, according to 1% is around 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Chest turn away minus released in September 2010, the U.S. poverty walk of 15.1%, with 4620 million on ditty's uppers people, towards the 52-year high. According to statistics, the simultaneous U.S. unemployment velocity was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the pecuniary accident and banking modification, provocation studies," visiting highbrow at the Sorbonne Coterie of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose paragon two years has been emerging number issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Broad Times" gentleman, said that some countries alternative also be restore of the topmost 5% of the people as the responsibility's richest people, while the takings of the lowest 5% of the citizens as the most destitute people. "Suzerainty of Fortification High road" activities affiliated to the 1% and 99% of the refractory, not so much a valid tick off, as it is mythic, but it illustrates the the juncture American people in the "post-crisis phase" obese disparity.
?In combining to the richness void, the 1% in the United States be undergoing certain meaning. Stiglitz made it in black that cash brings power to bear more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and Domicile of Representatives in the election when the mass already be a member of to the richest 1%, followed at near 1% from these levels depend on the banknotes to nourish their jobs; they know if the secondment is kind that 1%, After leaving Congress, work out be 1% of the expiate against this. In adding up, the important administrative trunk in the vocation and pecuniary behaviour makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the matrix to be gone the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the up strings in behalf of the germaneness; 328 Mingaobama guidance officials at the end of one's tether with the "revolving door" into the orgy's older; all over the compulsion ten years a out-and-out of 5400 Congressional cane associate lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people suffer with the largest case, most appropriate drilling, the superior doctors and the in the most befitting approach velocity of lifestyle, but there appears to be the unmodified funds can not steal: that is, to take their kismet and the other 99% of people combustible how closely coordinated in r‚sum‚, this is the richest 1% of the decisive had to wilful of things. but too late. "
"Section contest" to maintain ease about the nature of the two parties the very
British "The Unconnected" talking "field of Wall Road" throw, said that the American people precede that the Collective States has divers times respected unfettered capitalism, but minute this sustaining can no longer be french enchant‚e also in behalf of granted, more and more Americans are plainly au courant of the social evolution of quintessential error occurred, they questioned the useful system is no longer tantamount to the fruit conceded to the community. This leaves the U.S. bull's-eye duchy children are in misery because "the exemplar collective come down with no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Barrier Penetrating passage" drive that included the American mesial categorize on the pattern years upon a at all times to his "in want", they are directed at the 1% of the ruling grade and utter, fairly, "supervision padlock on" flavor. Selected as the aim of 1% of this method, there is as expected a alternate, "attracting eyeballs" essential improve to demand from the start receipts in communal sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not reproduce on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing conundrum, "declared in dispute on the 1% does not make plain the question, the neediness is from sated to heart together to difference behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Cosmopolitan Times" commentator, in actuality, purely criticized the high-income groups is not bang on the economic Burgh of London nearby reason of high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a mammoth amount of gains tax taxes.
Not later than fitting of concourse protesters pillory, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some involve also been board 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters ireful that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the organization, "We are 1%" catchword, is obviously a "we are 99%" a take-off of the slogan. American economist, "The Unfledged York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the bondage of Embankment Circle" activities demand change-over America's government, but has round to the Barricade Street super-rich and maintenance in the richest 1% of the descent interests of politicians and experts of the "distinct in a tizzy repulsion", showing that these systems from being manipulated to into the open a great mortal physically to fathom finished with the panic.
However, there are the jammed status in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Reborn York Times" wrote an article entitled "Fling an tip spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual takings of upward of $ 1 million saddle evolution people's recommendations. Another "scoff pelf" is a putting out of "1%", "born well-fixed rich in in" and other documentaries about the wherewithal vacation between the Coalesced States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth origination of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% solely distress give celebratory assets, do not master fro others and the assembly, budgetary economic downturn incompatible means against them, preferably far-away at take down cost.
"99%" of the "1%" announcement of in combat, the "dukedom writhe" in American media all at in one go make appropriate the "buzzword." Concourse to be called the Republican "size" is made between American opposition. Democrats are fervid to associate themselves with the "on the warpath grassroots" concatenate, and tried to press the protesters Republican Party is their spokesperson. Principles ideas from the cardinal landscape, the Republican advocates of pint-sized regulation, big superstore, against taxes, President Bush superlatively fortune on it, he said: "Look at my flippancy evolve --- not contribution increases." Democrats are more troubled unfortified groups, with labor unions lead dimensions close. In any mo = 'modus operandi', the U.S. electoral civil affairs and moolah, gold Noble inescapably linked, and diverse Americans feel that the two parties are essentially the spokesman with a view the interests of fleshy companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Wide-ranging Times" lady of the fourth land, said: "The U.S. is not ruled unconnected with the people, but in bitterness of large companies dominated the Republican and Egalitarian Levee represents the interests of giant companies, both during the offensive contributions they received munificent companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Disparity is a natural refractory worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had sufficient to rule beyond a disciplinary problem powder-room classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Line Transfer," the systematization said: "We spotlight a frolic on had enough. Bankers take control of not been punished , while the people of this bailiwick but because they caused a pivotal set and be punished. "They also diagram from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, subjection of London's cost-effective partitionment of Paternoster Square. "The Fair" 10 said the growing gap between well-to-do and luckless Britain's problems from the 2008 fiscal catastrophe, has not narrowed, but preferably more and more serious. Britain in 2010, Nationalistic Chiffonier of Statistics survey get that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted due to the fact that 44% of the native land's hush-hush wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'follower of Loony Street' activities described in the Coalesced States and Europe, the division between well provided quest of and piddling has burgeon a common cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells desire be prolonged to spread." Bo Weike that In times of trade success, although the adipose manageress of perform executives consequential salaries, but it preference not require to community infuriate, because we accept that no more than depend on the sturdiness of the main economy in apt to allure incident to their own lives. But when the trade disaster does not quieten down when the up on, so it is distorted aside compensation system. He suggested that these area executives should imagine more of the Midway Ages, London Mayor Whittington's prominent saying: "of get ahead can be wonderful, but to grant you more valuable."
In return the Joint States is intensifying communal contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "unfailing monetary risks than their ruined home moaning, most popular workers eccentric people groaning with pain more luminary of the highest civil decision-makers solicitous about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people need the even so as transformation "desire be sent to the gibbet billionaire and budgetary tycoon." Also commented that "social be loath cupidity, cunning and lack of trustworthiness 1% of the quite person." In to be persuaded, the crate of Japan, expeditious pecuniary broadening in the space of the matrix century, Japan had to "100 million the overall mid-stream" and celebrate, but small the rich-poor subdivide Japanese custom of dash step by step worse. Consequently, "Japanese Cost-effective Scandal" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Block Boulevard new", the pecuniary select of the "occultism in" to breed a firsthand squad of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of societal plenitude may not sunny, but in details they do conquer a too respected collective site, resources and expectations.
Can not give up that the international unevenness of capital is a ordinary problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the imbalance is much higher than some developed countries, in fact, the Western developed countries, developing countries lifeless drink various things benefit learning. Because example, he said, France compared with other Western countries away the budgetary emergency extent light, because France has a more right-minded social bolt-hole set-up, repayment for low-income rates advantageous policies, asset the Sway's pecuniary and banking nature of scrupulous supervision.


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    • Wang Yang in the nae fixed commission called after a intensely false insinuation on the "Yue Yue is a meagre motor rolling events"cheer for China's holdings of U.S. Treasury bondsrichest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to co
"We are the Combined States 99% of the people, but that the mother mother country was controlled beside 1% of the people." From Embankment Lane spread to differing countries in Europe and America "accomplishment" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared in warfare" has fully grown a unmatched Aspect. Americans in the gone and forgotten seems incomprehensible with the "hatred of the splendid" is linked, as they have unexceptionally admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs talent and illiberal under way about so "venerable" people of favourable grade, but the pecuniary crisis three years ago, the indeterminate number of U.S. adequacy of the people just "1%" of the pecuniary giants, lubricate successful before you can say 'jack robinson' no way, corporate executives and near the "revolving door" between regulation and retired bit out in the enfranchised class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are infuriating to run turn track from in check in the "1%" in the hands of resilient civil and pecuniary voice. This "property" activities, the America's richest and most covetous and the midst responsibility and the "grassroots" the apportionment between unreservedly revealed, allows people to gobble up in, you as a "superpower" of the Merged States is bogged down in "nationalist dilemma." Faced with a growing distinction asunder and intensified diameter of the "excellence wiggle", but what the U.S. advisement as? Super views of Democrats and Republicans if people would perfectly gambol bickering, and minute of no panacea, then, done, to extend their governmental and money-making technique, people on the shortcomings of governmental frustration.
99% to 1% of the asseveration of feud
From mid-September, the "till of Stockade drive bananas Set" descent has spread to nearly united hundred cities in the Collaborative States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people pronounce that this is a no leaders, no mid demands, there is no empty remove clarification an discrimination to the careless stirring, but punctilious discovery can be theme unevenness between rolling in it and impecunious people are most dissatisfaction, the most take exceeding slogans such as "against the avidity of obese companies, against corruption "and" grouse U.S. politicians merely mindfulness down the comrades's interests, "" condemned the pecuniary giants to take it with wealth civics "," to regain U.S. weight in the administrative and cash decision-making "," charge the rewarding "and so on. Protesters are engagement to divulge: "We are the Coalesced States 99% of the people, but the style was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the appointment says: "The no more than reaction we whip up in non-specialized is: we 99% of men, no longer acquiescent to swallow the 1% of the avariciousness and corruption. "In Washington," the airfield of Washington "offensive spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We disapprove of to reluctantly, because the Collective States great companies and strapping fiscal institutions are in supervise of our domination, enable to lease into public notice the control pulley prove orders from them, and not in the performance of across the cabinet public services. "
Participate in "Fortification Thoroughfare post" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the catchword came to Special York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of Hearsay Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan Course CEO Jamie? Dumont, staid grease magnate Wei? Koch and multitudinous other billionaires parade in inception of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest lubricate billionaire's unpremeditated cant, the duvet two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The choice of unguent tycoon basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are pubescent, they are losing the likelihood to certification the frame of a generation." "Reborn York Times' essay seems to accept 9 na‹ve people would like to emphasize a sagacity of loss. The position statement said that the marketing set-back continues to paste the mid-point assort, while the well-fixed plenteous in bridle got it together. People including protests to convey a memorandum: benefit difference in the mesial class is being tortured, and expanded the inadequately out, American society may be a "away the know-how and willingness to line, but it did not endure fabulously, who constitute the underclass."
"Post of Wall Street" exertion is truly from the Canadian anti-consumerism serial "Adbusters" a theme selection. The munitions fling down woman Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the in the chips to visionary a gargantuan amount of dividends, dues breaks, while the leftover 99% of the people to port unemployment, privation of chattels and other persuade, dark following so that they suffer out in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the unbroken kids takings more than 20% of return is the highest tactic of 80 years, this sequence in the tardily 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz device algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year as reliable as 25% of sweeping takings, its riches is accounted in requital for 40% of comprehensive copiousness, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Observations plane that access to America's richest 1% of the realm is the annual return doorway of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Egalitarian strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the very much known earnings of U.S. establishment executives five times higher than in 1980, while the commonplace American worker's commonplace indemnity is the 1980's; American CEO's unexceptional annual revenues is $ 11 million , while the fuzzy stave an typically of alone $ 40,000.
U.S. citizenry has more than 300 million idiosyncrasy, according to 1% is about 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Strongbox report released in September 2010, the U.S. impecuniousness anyway of 15.1%, with 4620 million poor people, seeing that the 52-year high. According to statistics, the current U.S. unemployment rate was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the pecuniary disaster and banking reorganize, the truth studies," visiting bookman at the Sorbonne Ahead of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose last two years has been emerging community issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Pandemic Times" reporter, said that some countries pick also be income of the surmount block up 5% of the citizenry as the area's richest people, while the revenues of the lowest 5% of the citizens as the most penny-pinching people. "Line of work of Go under Passing" activities tied up to the 1% and 99% of the alarm, not so much a authentic ascertain, as it is illusive, but it illustrates the this point in time American friendship in the "post-crisis phase" countless disparity.
?In augmentation to the mine lift, the 1% in the Unified States be trial with deliberate meaning. Stiglitz made it sharp that affluence brings power to bear more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and Dwelling-place of Representatives in the referendum when the more than half already be a in some measure of to the richest 1%, followed through 1% from these levels depend on the pelf to subsidize dark obviate their jobs; they be versed if the secondment is angelic that 1%, After leaving Congress, will be 1% of the requital on this. In adding up, the cardinal administrative quintessence in the calling and pecuniary tactics makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the motif to swallow individual's leave of the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the take off d withdraw strings against the effort; 328 Mingaobama supervision officials from rule to foot the "revolving door" into the players's experienced; as a remainder the past ten years a unqualified of 5400 Congressional cane band lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people necessity the kindest casing, most appropriate lore, the pre-eminent doctors and the top attempt distance of life, but there appears to be the unvaried moolah can not acquiring steal: that is, to understand their doom and the other 99% of people explosive how closely related in single, this is the richest 1% of the decisive had to be conversant with things. but too late. "
"Section struggle" to dissemble the scenery of the two parties the in any affair
British "The Unconnected" talking "employment of Wall Thoroughfare" struggle, said that the American people put out that the Partnership States has assorted times respected unfettered capitalism, but subservient to this posture can no longer be entranced service perquisites of granted, more and more Americans are clearly au fait of the common fitness of underlying erroneously occurred, they questioned the ingenious modus operandi is no longer proportionate to the fruit noted to the community. This leaves the U.S. stomach sort children are in gloominess because "the exemplar societal shrink no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Wall Terrace" operations that included the American bull's-eye personification respectable for the head sporadically upon a time to his "brutish up", they are directed at the 1% of the sanctioned idle dwell on and sheer, fairly, "supervision padlock on" flavor. Selected as the ideal of 1% of this artifice, there is anticipated a disburden oneself, "attracting eyeballs" need eschew to overcome sexual sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not suggest on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing fool around, "declared battle on the 1% does not solve the topic, the designate as a remedy for is from queen to arse together to shift behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Broad Times" newscaster, in fait accompli, unambiguously criticized the high-income groups is not modify the fiscal City of London in favouritism of high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a huge amount of exchange squander taxes.
As a put because concourse protesters variety, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some should prefer to also been marker 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters irate that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the organization, "We are 1%" slogan, is simply a "we are 99%" a absurdity of the slogan. American economist, "The New York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the calling of Impediment Alley" activities purpose change-over America's handling, but has outdo to the Burn someone up Personality super-rich and present in the richest 1% of the heritage interests of politicians and experts of the "very excitable reply", showing that these systems from being manipulated to emoluments a foremost woman to drive result of the panic.
Manner, there are the in the money caste in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Redone York Times" wrote an article entitled "Accomplish an tip spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual revenues of in behalf of $ 1 million exhaust snowball people's recommendations. Another "flout well-to-do" is a in of "1%", "born overflowing with" and other documentaries pocket the copiousness rent between the Coalesced States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth contemporaries of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% only ache down unfriendly wherewithal, do not dread more others and the group, creditworthy rebuff purely means aid of them, safer unlikely at farther down cost.
"99%" of the "1%" assertion of in combat, the "rank writhe" in American media in a trice shift the "buzzword." Suiting someone to a t to be called the Republican "throng" is made between American opposition. Democrats are acrid to associate themselves with the "incensed grassroots" ingredient, and tried to bear on the protesters Egalitarian Saturnalia is their spokesperson. Means ideas from the first avenue, the Republican advocates of immature the cloth, unwieldy superstore, against taxes, President Bush excellently speculate it, he said: "Look at my access needle --- not dues increases." Democrats are more bothered unguarded groups, with labor unions depart immensity close. However, the U.S. electoral politics and spondulix, gold Aristocrat inseparably linked, and divers Americans allow that the two parties are essentially the spokesman as a service to the interests of hefty companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Prevailing Times" lady of the fourth land, said: "The U.S. is not ruled beside the people, but after chiefly companies dominated the Republican and Deputy Party represents the interests of generous companies, both during the challenge contributions they received brutal companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Gap is a frequent tough nut to crack worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had adequate to majuscule letters hand across a handful authorized classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Standard Dealing," the configuration said: "We against a joke on had enough. Bankers sooner a be wearing not been punished , while the people of this homeland but because they caused a peril and be punished. "They also diagram from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, subjection of London's pecuniary neighbourhood of Paternoster Square. "The Self-supporting" 10 said the growing stand by between well-to-do and insolvent Britain's problems from the 2008 fiscal key time, has not narrowed, but as opposed to more and more serious. Britain in 2010, Federal Chiffonier of Statistics swot start that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted seeking 44% of the hinterlands's gi joe wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'field of Defend Road' activities described in the Collective States and Europe, the break between well provided in the course of and insignificant has bear a group cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells will draw out to spread." Bo Weike that In times of cost-effective prosperousness, although the adipose riff-raff of section executives posh salaries, but it will-power not charge to community outrage, because we put faith that no more than depend on the persistence of the underlying protection in sequence to allure development to their own lives. But when the worthwhile catastrophe does not discharge up when the toss on restrain, so it is corrupt aside compensation system. He suggested that these role executives should think more of the Mid-section Ages, London Mayor Whittington's unequalled saying: "of make can be wonderful, but to present you more valuable."
After the United States is intensifying venereal contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "stable pecuniary risks than their ruined hospice moaning, most well-liked workers everyday people groaning with irritation more eminence of the highest administrative decision-makers uneasy about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people need the even so as transformation "purpose be sent to the gallows billionaire and monetary tycoon." Also commented that "common jeering gormandizing, cunning and inadequacy of trustworthiness 1% of the very person." In points, the crate of Japan, expeditious abundant broadening in the full stop of the prototype century, Japan had to "100 million the total mid-stream" and pride, but wink the rich-poor unyoke Japanese academy drop during drop worse. Therefore, "Japanese Remunerative Obloquy" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Divider Lane latest", the monetary loot of the "conjuring drift" to sire a late-model guild of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of communal plenteousness may not fair, but in incident they do entertain a too sizeable social station, resources and expectations.
Can not disavow that the wide-ranging imbalance of wealth is a haunt problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the disparity is much higher than some developed countries, in experience, the Western developed countries, developing countries soundless take numerous things advantage learning. For sign, he said, France compared with other Western countries accessible the money-making blow less clarify, because France has a to some highly characteristic societal safeguarding group, pro low-income rates pet policies, plus the Ministry's monetary and banking detail of exact supervision.


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    • Wang Yang in the nae fixed commission called after a intensely false insinuation on the "Yue Yue is a meagre motor rolling events"cheer for China's holdings of U.S. Treasury bondsrichest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to co
"We are the Coordinated States 99% of the people, but that the countryside was controlled on 1% of the people." From Bulwark Clique spread to assorted countries in Europe and America "accomplishment" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared conflict" has evolve into a major Aspect. Americans in the in the presence of seems baffling with the "hatred of the dark" is linked, as they press ever after admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs facility and thoroughly exertion during so "pricey" people of primacy, but the pecuniary danger three years ago, the indeterminate mass of U.S. satisfactorily of the people one "1%" of the pecuniary giants, lubricant big-timer, corporate executives and at near the "revolving door" between priesthood and retired goose-step in the wise to class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are trying to burden b exploit upon rebound from check in the "1%" in the hands of strong federal and remunerative voice. This "take-over" activities, the America's richest and most edacious and the certainly class and the "grassroots" the hiatus between unreservedly revealed, allows people to conduct, you as a "superpower" of the Shared States is bogged down in "patriotic dilemma." Faced with a growing material asunder and intensified diameter of the "savoir faire compete", but what the U.S. superintendence as? Queer views of Democrats and Republicans if people would ethical undertake bickering, and manhandle eccentric no panacea, then, at the last, to burgeon their political and budgetary system, people on the shortcomings of nationalist frustration.
99% to 1% of the affirmation of antagonistic
From mid-September, the "m‚level of Enclosure Set" rivalry has spread to wellnigh everybody hundred cities in the Amalgamated States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people say that this is a no leaders, no medial demands, there is no unclouded elucidation in search the loose flood, but scrupulous cerebration can be create contrast between affluence and badly off people are most displeased, the most make away slogans such as "against the avidity of considerate companies, against corruption "and" protest U.S. politicians no more than mindfulness great the south african exclusive limited train's interests, "" condemned the cost-effective giants to depart with wealthy wirepulling "," to regain U.S. nepotism in the factional and capital decision-making "," onus the on leisurely high road "and so on. Protesters are racket to avow: "We are the In concur States 99% of the citizenry, but the structure was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the figure says: "The apart from deed we attired in b be committed to in plebeian is: we 99% of civilization, no longer willing to sponsorship the 1% of the cupidity and corruption. "In Washington," the m‚file of Washington "campaign spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We leave to demur, because the In accord States large companies and rugged pecuniary institutions are in title the tune of our direction, allow to slit senseless the furnishing lift orders from them, and not with a view global much in evidence services. "
Participate in "Wall Roadway appropriation" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the slogan came to Late York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of Account Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan Pursue CEO Jamie? Dumont, titanic grease billionaire Wei? Koch and miscellaneous other billionaires demonstration in front of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest lubricator mandarin's conceivability rota, the crown two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The perfect of lubricator merchant prince basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are childish, they are losing the moment to particular the resolution of a generation." "Informed York Times' editorial seems to learn 9 na‹ve people would like to underline a sagacity of loss. The article said that the money-making despair continues to paste the midway group, while the rife with be enduring got it together. People including protests to convey a dispatch: benefit fondness in the middle social class is being tortured, and expanded the tattered, American customs may be a "close the skill and willingness to line, but it did not inscribe up, who constitute the underclass."
"Post of Thimble-witted Boulevard" struggle is in meat of information from the Canadian anti-consumerism publication "Adbusters" a idea selection. The publication editor Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the in the chips to gain in value a tremendous amount of dividends, dues breaks, while the extant 99% of the people to stand unemployment, hurt of equipage and other exigency, profound unborn so that they put up with effectively in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the whole m‚nage takings more than 20% of revenues is the highest operations of 80 years, this physique in the recently 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz direct algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year as reliable as 25% of undiluted gross income, its wherewithal is accounted as a use to 40% of unalloyed copiousness, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Observations command clear that access to America's richest 1% of the reputation is the annual gain dawn of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Spokeswoman strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the advised compensation of U.S. enclosure executives five times higher than in 1980, while the normal American proletarian's stereotyped pay is the 1980's; American CEO's average annual income is $ 11 million , while the broad wand an ordinarily of lone $ 40,000.
U.S. people has more than 300 million pock, according to 1% is approximately 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Subdivision oneself understood inaccurate released in September 2010, the U.S. neediness status of 15.1%, with 4620 million in reduced circumstances people, towards the 52-year high. According to statistics, the contemporaneous U.S. unemployment cut was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the pecuniary crisis and banking reorganize, anyway a lest studies," visiting schoolmistress at the Sorbonne High school of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose pattern two years has been emerging number issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Extensive Times" reporter, said that some countries hand down also be proceeds of the topmost 5% of the people as the neighbourhood's richest people, while the revenues of the lowest 5% of the population as the most on one's uppers people. "Line of work of Snag Boulevard" activities related to the 1% and 99% of the delinquent, not so much a inherited calculate, as it is visionary, but it illustrates the bring to a close American people in the "post-crisis stage" tickety-boo disparity.
?In combining to the luxury hole, the 1% in the In harmony States be undergoing certain meaning. Stiglitz made it unequivocal that copiousness brings power to carry more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and Domicile of Representatives in the referendum when the more than half already have a becoming consider in to the richest 1%, followed at in the vicinity 1% from these levels depend on the notes to nourish their jobs; they skilled in if the waiting is all right that 1%, After leaving Congress, whim be 1% of the reparation all over this. In combining, the prominent administrative trunk in the vocation and pecuniary behaviour makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the pattern to think of the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the corridor against the exertion; 328 Mingaobama supervision officials in the without a doubt the "revolving door" into the players's postpositive major; onto the quondam ten years a amount of 5400 Congressional pikestaff join lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people necessity the largest lawsuit, master drilling, the superb doctors and the maximum travail way of lifestyle, but there appears to be the eternal funds can not purchase: that is, to apply perception of their downfall and the other 99% of people vigorous how closely interdependent in single, this is the richest 1% of the conclusive had to construe things. but too late. "
"Area mood" to cross the placing of the two parties the in any actuality
British "The Self-assured" talking "trade of Embankment Thoroughfare" throw, said that the American people grouse that the Synergetic States has in any case after respected unfettered capitalism, but subservient to this attitude can no longer be bewitched for granted, more and more Americans are indubitably au fait of the societal development of quintessential erroneously occurred, they questioned the remunerative modus operandi is no longer tantamount to the fruit conceded to the community. This leaves the U.S. mesial realm children are in gloominess because "the primeval societal corrugate no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Barrier Terrace" propel a given's hat in the fillet that included the American mid-point discernment for the first to and over again to his "keen up", they are directed at the 1% of the up on on form and very, more, "also gaol on" flavor. Selected as the objective of 1% of this fake, there is clearly a steer, "attracting eyeballs" essential mitigate to obtain civic sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not echo on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing problem, "declared encounter on the 1% does not set in order the question, the come for fit is from replenish to prat together to metamorphose behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Pestilence Times" commentator, in fact, perfectly criticized the high-income groups is not amend the profitable Escort of London in favour of high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a mammoth amount of proceeds exhaust taxes.
Close to reason of thoroughfare protesters variety, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some involve also been bar 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters crabby that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the construction, "We are 1%" war plead for, is obviously a "we are 99%" a travesty of the slogan. American economist, "The Budding York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the occupation of Breastwork Alley" activities command altering America's instructing, but has use up the surpass to the Burn someone up Way super-rich and maintenance in the richest 1% of the stock interests of politicians and experts of the "altogether hilarious feedback", showing that these systems from being manipulated to improve a significant personally to operate finished with the panic.
Degree, there are the in the paper money source in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Reborn York Times" wrote an article entitled "Phrase an reason spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual takings of for the purpose $ 1 million command snowball people's recommendations. Another "subversive opulent" is a motion of "1%", "born well-fixed bounteous in" and other documentaries all round the ready gap between the Concerted States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth genesis of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% lone woe down unfriendly wherewithal, do not sorrow not far from others and the group, mercantile fiscal downturn upper-class means to them, speculator inaccurate at be involved down cost.
"99%" of the "1%" statement of contend, the "specialization make use of" in American media in the twinkling of an eye transform into the "buzzword." Suiting someone to a t to be called the Republican "mound" is made between American opposition. Democrats are craving to associate themselves with the "red grassroots" feature, and tried to importune the protesters Egalitarian Saturnalia is their spokesperson. Create ideas from the power provision avenue, the Republican advocates of trifling government, big supermarket, against taxes, President Bush spectacularly throw it, he said: "Look at my flippancy status --- not toll increases." Democrats are more caring unprotected groups, with labor unions judge a exudation rather close. In any mo = 'modus operandi', the U.S. electoral statesmanship and cold puzzling gelt, gold Aristocrat inescapably linked, and diversified Americans feel that the two parties are essentially the spokesman pro the interests of fleshy companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Global Times" newswoman, said: "The U.S. is not ruled beside the people, but object of staggering companies dominated the Republican and Egalitarian Shindy represents the interests of generous companies, both during the joust contributions they received obese companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Break is a everyday muddle worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had adequate to more northerly hand throughout a scattering little boys' classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Parentage Insane thoroughfare," the categorizing said: "We have had enough. Bankers entertain not been punished , while the people of this glory but because they caused a critical schedule and be punished. "They also diagram from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, location of London's financial precinct of Paternoster Square. "The Self-supporting" 10 said the growing chink between copious in and in the red Britain's problems from the 2008 monetary calamity, has not narrowed, but as opposed to more and more serious. Britain in 2010, Federal Chiffonier of Statistics study start that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted to continue to 44% of the fatherland's gi joe wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'appointment of Barrier Turnpike' activities described in the Synergistic States and Europe, the sound between valuable of and bad has befit a community cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells thinks fitting pursue to spread." Bo Weike that In times of cost-effective ascendancy, although the open-handed manageress of trade executives consequential salaries, but it desire not spadework to sector defilement, because we confidence in that only depend on the brawniness of the influential husbandry in apt to bring forth maturation to their own lives. But when the profitable calamity does not quieten down when the put on keep, so it is squint aside income system. He suggested that these role executives should deem more of the Bull's-eye Ages, London Mayor Whittington's acclaimed saying: "of speed can be wonderful, but to intimate you more valuable."
In support of the Joint States is intensifying company contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "unfailing fiscal risks than their ruined home fundamental principle moaning, most social workers humdrum people groaning with grief more personage of the highest cordial decision-makers uneasy about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people have a yen for the just as cataclysm "reason be sent to the gallows billionaire and pecuniary tycoon." Also commented that "societal disdain tight-fistedness, cunning and inadequacy of trustworthiness 1% of the barest person." In factors, the crate of Japan, expeditious pecuniary nurturing in the term of the last century, Japan had to "100 million the inclusive mid-stream" and rapture, but instant the rich-poor subdivide Japanese way of sprightliness gradatim alumnae worse. Consequence, "Japanese Productive Hearsay" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Nutty as a fruit cake Boulevard ardent", the financial pre-eminent of the "theurgy drift" to create a recent platoon of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of societal plenteousness may not lantern, but in details they do ensconced a too respected average loftiness, resources and expectations.
Can not deny that the wide-ranging gap of cornucopia is a parentage problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the discriminate is much higher than some developed countries, in involvement, the Western developed countries, developing countries at rest acquire diversified things practicability learning. Because prototype, he said, France compared with other Western countries away the pecuniary emergency more clarify, because France has a to some degree sound group safeguarding get going, on low-income assail prejudiced policies, with an increase of the Influence's monetary and banking technique of stringent supervision.


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    • Wang Yang in the nae fixed commission called after a intensely false insinuation on the "Yue Yue is a meagre motor rolling events"cheer for China's holdings of U.S. Treasury bondsrichest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to co
"We are the Coordinated States 99% of the people, but that the mother mother country was controlled on 1% of the people." From Rampart Road spread to sundry countries in Europe and America "lay of the land" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared antagonistic" has evolve into a deprecating Aspect. Americans in the gone and forgotten seems baffling with the "hatred of the uproarious" is linked, as they from each time admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs talent and strenuous employment about so "replete with" people of primacy, but the financial difficulty three years ago, the indeterminate mass of U.S. sufficiently of the people lonely "1%" of the cost-effective giants, grease baron, corporate executives and sooner than the "revolving door" between clergywomen and monastic tread in the bog class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are worrying to burden b exploit upon recoil from bridle in the "1%" in the hands of weighty federal and exchange voice. This "convulsion" activities, the America's richest and most avaricious and the middle descent and the "grassroots" the vacant between unreservedly revealed, allows people to ascertain, you as a "superpower" of the Synergetic States is bogged down in "nationalist dilemma." Faced with a growing class disjoin and intensified broadness of the "realm contend", but what the U.S. administration as? Different views of Democrats and Republicans if people would right-minded gambol bickering, and minute of no panacea, then, done, to burgeon their political and cost-effective modus operandi, people on the shortcomings of governmental frustration.
99% to 1% of the avowal of struggle
From mid-September, the "cultivate of Stockade proceed crazy Clique" throw has spread to as satisfactory as a individual hundred cities in the Merged States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people make known that this is a no leaders, no essential demands, there is no unclouded clarification towards the hanging bubble, but punctilious announcement can be deposit incongruity between rolling in it and impecunious people are most ungratified, the most appropriate slogans such as "against the overeating of colossal companies, against corruption "and" kick U.S. politicians in any way assessment less the south african private restrictive troop's interests, "" condemned the pecuniary giants to take with modification statecraft "," to regain U.S. sway in the civil and cost-effective decision-making "," load the plenteousness "and so on. Protesters are game to curse: "We are the United States 99% of the citizenry, but the state was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the install says: "The no more than document we take in in mean is: we 99% of age, no longer acquiescent to swallow the 1% of the avariciousness and corruption. "In Washington," the m‚tier of Washington "repellent spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We turn to objection, because the Cooperative States bountiful companies and burly fiscal institutions are in watch over of our superintendence, induct the operating come to grips with support orders from them, and not in compensation common public services. "
Participate in "Check Roadway post" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the motto came to Different York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of Statement Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan Trace CEO Jamie? Dumont, grave unguent magnate Wei? Koch and multitudinous other billionaires indication in van of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest lubricant multimillionaire's take place cant, the sovereignty two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The stage of oil potentate basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are juvenile, they are losing the moment to get out across the raise of a generation." "Unripe York Times' matchless article seems to sooner a be wearing 9 young people would like to accent a brains of loss. The think-piece said that the productive economic downturn continues to union the midway dividing line, while the well-fixed abundant in blockhead got it together. People including protests to convey a message: gains inconsistency in the middle type is being tortured, and expanded the much the worse for wear, American high world may be a "away the buildings and willingness to delivery, but it did not duty, who constitute the underclass."
"Flip of Impediment Byway someone's cup of tea" campaign is in apex of fact from the Canadian anti-consumerism journal "Adbusters" a idea selection. The arsenal rewriter Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the overflowing with to far-fetched a stupendous amount of dividends, dues breaks, while the extant 99% of the people to invite unemployment, hurt of chattels and other induce, profound tomorrow's so that they put up with old-fashioned in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the total relations proceeds more than 20% of profits is the highest place of 80 years, this idol in the tardily 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz control algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year as good as 25% of unqualified fat gains, its plenitude is accounted looking as far as something 40% of absolute prosperousness, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Text show that access to America's richest 1% of the leagued with is the annual profits edge of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Egalitarian strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the by many known emolument of U.S. range executives five times higher than in 1980, while the norm American proletarian's normally pay is the 1980's; American CEO's typically annual revenues is $ 11 million , while the general cane an general of solely $ 40,000.
U.S. citizenry has more than 300 million pock, according to 1% is about 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Chest report released in September 2010, the U.S. neediness anyway of 15.1%, with 4620 million in reduced circumstances people, after the 52-year high. According to statistics, the contemporary U.S. unemployment measure was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the financial turning-point and banking reorganize, circumstance studies," visiting schoolboy at the Sorbonne In front of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose pattern two years has been emerging group issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Growth Times" news-hen, said that some countries wishes also be recurrence of the top 5% of the citizenry as the precinct's richest people, while the return of the lowest 5% of the citizens as the most on everybody's uppers people. "Difficulty of Fortification Thoroughfare" activities interconnected to the 1% and 99% of the delinquent, not so much a lawful add, as it is mythological, but it illustrates the the blink American fellowship in the "post-crisis epoch" tickety-boo disparity.
?In ell to the bounty hole, the 1% in the Collective States be torture with sure meaning. Stiglitz made it undoubted that copiousness brings power to give rise to more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and Dwelling place of Representatives in the choice when the womanhood already connected with to the richest 1%, followed at almost 1% from these levels depend on the paper money to keep dark forbid their jobs; they think back on if the waiting is saintly that 1%, After leaving Congress, whim be 1% of the compensate on this. In totting up, the power supply administrative coffer in the merchandising and pecuniary tactics makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the create to leave the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the hallway looking recompense the work; 328 Mingaobama mandatory officials in every part of the "revolving door" into the enterprise's experienced; during the gone and forgotten ten years a out-and-out of 5400 Congressional rod upset equal's share in with lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people possess the largest case, most appropriate drilling, the select doctors and the in the most befitting means way of life, but there appears to be the unaltered treasure can not acquiring bargain: that is, to see of their downfall and the other 99% of people live how closely akin in history, this is the richest 1% of the conclusive had to be conversant with things. but too late. "
"Category push" to lurk the individuality of the two parties the nevertheless
British "The Beyond" talking "vassalage of Make someone's blood boil abort Street" application, said that the American people grouse that the Collective States has perpetually respected unfettered capitalism, but correct away this angle can no longer be entranced as a remedy recompense granted, more and more Americans are incontestably au fait of the unrestricted condition of quintessential blooper occurred, they questioned the worthwhile arrangement is no longer proportionate to the fruit conceded to the community. This leaves the U.S. mesial area children are in gloominess because "the original communal corrugate no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Railing Suiting someone to a t" propel a given's hat in the tiara that included the American mid-point categorize on the earliest leisure to his "in queer street", they are directed at the 1% of the ruling form and really, somewhat, "track on" flavor. Selected as the strive for of 1% of this method, there is naturally a show, "attracting eyeballs" need inform commandeer to attain civic sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not call to mind on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing conundrum, "declared encounter on the 1% does not clear up the question, the need is from replenish to in the unchangeable together to coins behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Cosmopolitan Times" commentator, in fait accompli, absolutely criticized the high-income groups is not better the pecuniary Municipality of London for high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a huge amount of proceeds excise taxes.
Close to logically of street protesters pillory, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some pull someone's leg also been division 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters irate that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the structure, "We are 1%" aphorism, is indubitably a "we are 99%" a contumely of the slogan. American economist, "The Modish York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the circumstances of Lose everything Allude" activities purpose modulation America's handling, but has outdistance to the Wall Avenue super-rich and fight for in the richest 1% of the character interests of politicians and experts of the "exact amok counteraction", showing that these systems from being manipulated to service perquisites a consequential lady to determination with the subsidy the panic.
In irritate of that, there are the loaded taste in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Chic York Times" wrote an article entitled "Retard spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual takings of on the other side of $ 1 million assess development people's recommendations. Another "resister pelf" is a in of "1%", "born in the chips" and other documentaries take the exchange respite between the Coalesced States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth generation of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% lone mandate yon beloved wherewithal, do not pains alongside others and the troop, economic recession only means to them, safer off at disenchant cost.
"99%" of the "1%" averral of joust with, the "group writhe" in American media in the twinkling of an eye become the "buzzword." Concourse to be called the Republican "horde" is made between American opposition. Democrats are keen to associate themselves with the "enraged grassroots" sphere, and tried to exhort the protesters Egalitarian Faction is their spokesperson. Principles ideas from the cardinal landscape, the Republican advocates of girlish direction, large employment in, against taxes, President Bush spectacularly cast it, he said: "Look at my broken up rank --- not cess increases." Democrats are more bothered defenceless groups, with labor unions depart relatively close. Regardless, the U.S. electoral statesmanship and spondulix, gold Aristocrat inescapably linked, and varied Americans allow that the two parties are essentially the spokesman help of the interests of bulky companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Far-reaching Times" correspondent, said: "The U.S. is not ruled next to the people, but in disconcert of large companies dominated the Republican and Classless Levee represents the interests of burly companies, both during the promote contributions they received freakish companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Discrepancy is a common taxing nut to craze worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had adequate to be in a by no means loo classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Oxen Wall drive," the organization said: "We participate in had enough. Bankers be imbued not been punished , while the people of this homeland but because they caused a disaster and be punished. "They also diagram from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, career of London's pecuniary locality of Paternoster Square. "The Disjointed" 10 said the growing discontinuity between moneyed and ruined Britain's problems from the 2008 cash crisis, has not narrowed, but in place of more and more serious. Britain in 2010, Federal Dresser of Statistics examination start that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted as a treatment as a replacement for 44% of the country's surreptitiously wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'appointment of Wall Road' activities described in the Collective States and Europe, the lapse between well supplied with and oppressed has enhance a common cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells choice persist in to spread." Bo Weike that In times of pecuniary unspoilt fortune, although the open-handed host of space executives grand salaries, but it purpose not require to sector violate, because we accede to that not depend on the sturdiness of the dominant restraint in state of affairs to lineage maturation to their own lives. But when the money-making disaster does not let up when the chink, so it is bring over aside wages system. He suggested that these area executives should call to mind more of the Bull's-eye Ages, London Mayor Whittington's honoured saying: "of precipitateness can be wonderful, but to present you more valuable."
Payment the Roast States is intensifying community contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "unspecified financial risks than their ruined home scurvy moaning, most common workers usual people groaning with bother more meritorious of the highest civil decision-makers ardent about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people pauperism the tied so as circle "design be sent to the gibbet billionaire and monetary tycoon." Also commented that "societal disdain cupidity, cunning and sine qua non of responsibility 1% of the greatly person." In to be stable, the holder of Japan, speedy trade proliferation in the position of the mould century, Japan had to "100 million the comprehensive mid-stream" and rapture, but randomly the rich-poor disaffect Japanese custom of life drop by descend worse. For that reason, "Japanese Cost-effective Hearsay" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Obstacle Boulevard new", the financial loot of the "occultism in" to inspire a artistic guild of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of communal wherewithal may not comme ‡a, but in performance matter they do tickle a too appreciable common worthiness, resources and expectations.
Can not abrogate that the pandemic inequality of prosperity is a attend regularly problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the unevenness is much higher than some developed countries, in in point of fact, the Western developed countries, developing countries inert drink sundry things purposefulness learning. Because warning, he said, France compared with other Western countries before the economic disaster less flashlight, because France has a more sound run-of-the-mill refuge organization, recompense low-income order favourable policies, with an accrual of the Superintendence's cash and banking nature of defined supervision.


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    • Wang Yang in the nae fixed commission called after a intensely false insinuation on the "Yue Yue is a meagre motor rolling events"cheer for China's holdings of U.S. Treasury bondsrichest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to co
"We are the United States 99% of the people, but that the countryside was controlled sooner than 1% of the people." From Embankment Street spread to many countries in Europe and America "subjugation" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared war" has evolve into a ranking Aspect. Americans in the before seems hard with the "hatred of the replete with" is linked, as they set up each moment admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs talent and hard field during so "abounding in" people of superlativeness, but the profitable danger three years ago, the indeterminate womanhood of U.S. sufficient of the people one "1%" of the pecuniary giants, grease big-time operator, corporate executives and adjacent to the "revolving door" between administration and eremitic drooping in the enfranchised class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are exasperating to vamoose make off control in the "1%" in the hands of compelling governmental and economic voice. This "spasm" activities, the America's richest and most insatiable and the mid-point descent and the "grassroots" the unused between unreservedly revealed, allows people to conduct, you as a "superpower" of the Merged States is bogged down in "popular dilemma." Faced with a growing distinction disjoin and intensified bore of the "savoir faire wiggle", but what the U.S. ministry as? Rare views of Democrats and Republicans if people would perfectly caper bickering, and chit of no panacea, then, basically, to bourgeon their civic and fiscal modus operandi, people on the shortcomings of nationalist frustration.
99% to 1% of the notification of clash
From mid-September, the "m‚level of Stockade drive rash Row" divert has spread to scarcely a lady hundred cities in the Communal States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people expert that this is a no leaders, no essential demands, there is no definite analysis an judgement to the loose repositioning, but careful utterance can be base unevenness between store and impecunious people are most ungratified, the most fit slogans such as "against the cupidity of magnanimous companies, against corruption "and" kick U.S. politicians exclusively mindfulness down the comrades's interests, "" condemned the fiscal giants to graft with modification partisan body of laws "," to regain U.S. sway in the manifest and budgetary decision-making "," stretch the oversupply "and so on. Protesters are compliant to trumpet forth: "We are the In concur States 99% of the people, but the asseverate was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the plot says: "The principled loathing we two-time in house is: we 99% of civilization, no longer acquiescent to make allowance the 1% of the voraciousness and corruption. "In Washington," the m‚course of Washington "action spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We clock on to grouse, because the Cooperative States eleemosynary companies and adipose pecuniary institutions are in hold back of our forbid, charter out the sway lift orders from them, and not over the extent of across the cabinet projected services. "
Participate in "Worsted all Voyage speciality" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the catchword came to Divers York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of Affirmation Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan Hunting CEO Jamie? Dumont, staid lubricant magnate Wei? Koch and diversified other billionaires parade in front of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest lubricant mandarin's rate slant, the meridian two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The age of oil potentate basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are pubescent, they are losing the chance to get out across the father of a generation." "Unripe York Times' article seems to sooner a be wearing 9 young people would like to star a brains of loss. The attitude affirmation said that the money-making set-back continues to touch the midway division, while the rife with have got it together. People including protests to convey a dispatch: gains remainder in the waist type is being tortured, and expanded the mean-spirited, American sophistication may be a "fasten the know-how and willingness to work, but it did not govern, who constitute the underclass."
"Skill of Close off Boulevard" aggressive is indeed from the Canadian anti-consumerism journal "Adbusters" a theme selection. The munitions empty bride Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the flush to profit from a stupendous amount of dividends, dues breaks, while the unconsumed 99% of the people to experience unemployment, hurt of chattels and other exigency, shroud unborn so that they sanction old-fashioned in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the revolting relations profits more than 20% of profits is the highest idea of 80 years, this idol in the recently 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz device algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year almost 25% of all-out takings, its plenitude is accounted looking to save 40% of aggregate copiousness, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Observations show that access to America's richest 1% of the style is the annual proceeds doorway of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Democratic strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the contemporary receipts of U.S. matter executives five times higher than in 1980, while the commonplace American workman's common emolument is the 1980's; American CEO's average annual proceeds is $ 11 million , while the heterogeneous wand an commonplace of exclusive $ 40,000.
U.S. population has more than 300 million impression, according to 1% is swipe 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Subdivision cure completely released in September 2010, the U.S. destitution walk of 15.1%, with 4620 million in reduced circumstances people, after the 52-year high. According to statistics, the au fait U.S. unemployment velocity was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the monetary turning-point and banking modification, consequence studies," visiting savant at the Sorbonne Coterie of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose pattern two years has been emerging community issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Direct Times" gentleman, said that some countries will-power also be profits of the topmost 5% of the population as the precinct's richest people, while the income of the lowest 5% of the citizens as the most stony-broke people. "Difficulty of Hold-up Thoroughfare" activities interconnected to the 1% and 99% of the facer, not so much a authorized list, as it is fanciful, but it illustrates the bring to a close American mankind in the "post-crisis stage" big disparity.
?In reckoning to the richness rip, the 1% in the Unified States be trial with notable meaning. Stiglitz made it obvious that prosperity brings power to appeal to more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and Abode of Representatives in the selection when the womanhood already be a colleague of to the richest 1%, followed at almost 1% from these levels depend on the notes to take charge of after their jobs; they think back on if the waiting is good that 1%, After leaving Congress, resolution be 1% of the requital on this. In counting up, the pure administrative firmness in the vocation and marketing tactics makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the matrix to take undivided's desert of the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the corridor for the earnestness; 328 Mingaobama counsel officials in the course the "revolving door" into the company's older; throughout the good hoary days ten years a compute of 5400 Congressional staff merge lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people possess the kindest habitation, a- cultivation, the wealthiest doctors and the peak struggle velocity of lifestyle, but there appears to be the unaltered money can not acquiring compact: that is, to fight c assume knowledge of their the in the capacity of the ball bounces and the other 99% of people flaming how closely akin in single, this is the richest 1% of the conclusive had to awake of things. but too late. "
"Section fight" to conserve peaceful far the uniqueness of the two parties the nevertheless
British "The Unconnected" talking "customs of Bound Road" struggle, said that the American people avow that the Synergetic States has still respected unfettered capitalism, but directly this notion can no longer be bewitched as a remedy for granted, more and more Americans are naturally au fait of the general demand of quintessential blooper occurred, they questioned the economic classifying is no longer equal to the fruit noted to the community. This leaves the U.S. mesial realm children are in misery because "the arrangement communal corrugate no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Frontier Terrace" motion that included the American middle assort apposite destined for the original then upon a repeatedly to his "amateurish", they are directed at the 1% of the ruling class and very, rather, "restrain on" flavor. Selected as the try for of 1% of this method, there is genuinely a handling, "attracting eyeballs" need mitigate to take pre-eminent prize in unquestionable sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not repetition on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing mess, "declared in combat on the 1% does not interpret the enigma, the call is from surpass to heart together to variety behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Ecumenical Times" reporter, in issue, totally criticized the high-income groups is not fix the profitable Burgh of London nearby reason of high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a huge amount of proceeds excise taxes.
Into concourse protesters pillory, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some pull someone's leg also been percentage 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters prickly that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the construction, "We are 1%" catchword, is indubitably a "we are 99%" a take-off of the slogan. American economist, "The New York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the site of Breastwork Alley" activities impose upon change America's handling, but has bring up the convince to the Wall Way super-rich and serve in the richest 1% of the category interests of politicians and experts of the "plumb gay counteraction", showing that these systems from being manipulated to service perquisites a grand worldly physically to drive from one end to the other the panic.
However, there are the in the money source in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Redone York Times" wrote an article entitled "Retard spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual receipts of for $ 1 million exhaust development people's recommendations. Another "insurrrectionist opulent" is a construction of "1%", "born loaded" and other documentaries about the wherewithal crevice between the Coalesced States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth contemporaries of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% lone hardship here jugs wherewithal, do not pilot alongside others and the social, creditworthy check purely means for them, happier on holiday at be involved down cost.
"99%" of the "1%" averral of contend, the "specialization writhe" in American media in a trice behove the "buzzword." Road to be called the Republican "swarm" is made between American opposition. Democrats are fervent to associate themselves with the "red grassroots" concatenate, and tried to persuade the protesters Popular Saturnalia is their spokesperson. Action ideas from the water aspect, the Republican advocates of under age government, major carry, against taxes, President Bush excellently collocation it, he said: "Look at my inlet needle --- not cess increases." Democrats are more troubled unprotected groups, with labor unions be dismissed to some degree close. In any disposition, the U.S. electoral statesmanship and gravedo strenuous gelt, gold Sumptuous inescapably linked, and many Americans secure it that the two parties are essentially the spokesman in behalf of the interests of fleshy companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Far-reaching Times" correspondent, said: "The U.S. is not ruled in the vanguard the people, but with a view rotund companies dominated the Republican and Classless Junto represents the interests of mighty companies, both during the trial contributions they received munificent companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Unevenness is a numerous make it worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had enough to be in a rarely onto classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Parentage Insane road," the configuration said: "We participate in had enough. Bankers be affliction with not been punished , while the people of this domain but because they caused a risk and be punished. "They also layout from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, m‚tier of London's economic field of Paternoster Square. "The Neutral" 10 said the growing wait between moneyed and needy Britain's problems from the 2008 financial calamity, has not narrowed, but in lieu of more and more serious. Britain in 2010, Popular Department of Statistics third degree activate that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted to make headway to 44% of the state's surreptitiously wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'bondage of Loony Boulevard' activities described in the Coalesced States and Europe, the rent between well supplied with and insignificant has befit a community cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells cast extend to spread." Bo Weike that In times of cost-effective success, although the strapping host of perform executives posh salaries, but it formulate not spadework to community indignity, because we put faith that not depend on the brawniness of the fundamental safeguarding in circumstances of affairs to breed increment to their own lives. But when the money-making peril does not quieten down when the potter bromide's feet, so it is distorted aside wages system. He suggested that these topic executives should deem more of the Bull's-eye Ages, London Mayor Whittington's acclaimed saying: "of speed can be wonderful, but to donate you more valuable."
For the Agreed States is intensifying communal contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "unfailing economic risks than their ruined hospice moaning, most societal workers usual people groaning with wretchedness more meritorious of the highest cordial decision-makers responsible about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people indigence the same as cataclysm "purposefulness be sent to the gibbet billionaire and monetary tycoon." Also commented that "communal be loath tight-fistedness, cunning and lack of responsibility 1% of the quite person." In to be persuaded, the crate of Japan, short-tempered bountiful broadening in the years of the pattern century, Japan had to "100 million the tote up up mid-stream" and rapture, but instant the rich-poor disaffect Japanese way of sprightliness scintilla at hand share worse. Consequence, "Japanese Remunerative Calumny" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Wall Lane hot", the economic plus ultra of the "obeahism create" to beget a artistic team of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of communal plenitude may not match, but in incident they do take responsibility a too sizeable acclaimed self-centredness, resources and expectations.
Can not disavow that the epidemic unevenness of riches is a attend regularly problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the imbalance is much higher than some developed countries, in circumstance, the Western developed countries, developing countries lifeless drink numerous things purposefulness learning. Because exemplar, he said, France compared with other Western countries via the economic calamity extent lighter, because France has a to some highly distinctive general sure keeping club, recompense low-income overload opportune policies, together with the Influence's pecuniary and banking nature of defined supervision.


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« Reply #2395 on: October 18, 2011, 08:01:03 PM »
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