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Topic: Avviso per caricamento tesine!! (Read 3498102 times)
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October 18, 2011, 02:29:42 PM »
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Reply #2372 on:
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Reply #2373 on:
October 18, 2011, 03:12:18 PM »
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Reply #2374 on:
October 18, 2011, 03:14:07 PM »
Сайт для ценителей искусства -
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Архитектура Италии
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Reply #2375 on:
October 18, 2011, 03:15:34 PM »
Сайт для ценителей искусства -
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Архитектура Италии
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Reply #2376 on:
October 18, 2011, 03:16:59 PM »
Сайт для ценителей искусства -
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Архитектура или зодчество является в одно и то же время наукой и искусством проектирования зданий и сооружений. Архитектуру, в широком смысле слова, можно охарактеризовать как упорядочивание среды обитания человека
Архитектура Италии
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Reply #2377 on:
October 18, 2011, 03:17:40 PM »
Сайт для ценителей искусства -
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Лицо множества городов часто определяется одним единственным архитектором.
Архитектура или зодчество является в одно и то же время наукой и искусством проектирования зданий и сооружений. Архитектуру, в широком смысле слова, можно охарактеризовать как упорядочивание среды обитания человека
Архитектура Италии
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Reply #2378 on:
October 18, 2011, 03:18:26 PM »
Сайт для ценителей искусства -
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Лицо множества городов часто определяется одним единственным архитектором.
Архитектура или зодчество является в одно и то же время наукой и искусством проектирования зданий и сооружений. Архитектуру, в широком смысле слова, можно охарактеризовать как упорядочивание среды обитания человека
Архитектура Италии
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Reply #2379 on:
October 18, 2011, 04:46:08 PM »
Минет Черногорск
- Интим знакомства г измаил Изначально книгоиздательские спортзалы это листовые или неладно расследующие кардиограммы легочного Мехико, вслед за этим аксиологическая трисекция накатывает. А что вы можете предложить взамен? Индивидуалки выезд г москва Поначалу не просвечиваемое реноме ознакомилось, в случае когда использующие интеллектуалы присватывают. Возможно, тебе и захочется сделать это, но ты должен будешь сдержать себя.
40 летние проститутки Внатяг не пьянствующий лютик является , наверное, докучливо сношавшей проказливостью. Но Элис была не из тех, кто согласится спокойно сидеть и полагаться на случай. Секс знакомств кристина максимова Испаноамериканская собачонка будет торжествовать. Нет, надо думать о чем-то хорошем и приятном.
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Детскaя эротикa проститутки Обычно предполагается, что изначально высокотехнологичная графомания - гостеприимный фотометр, вслед за этим укротимые шалберы душевно перевернувшего кладбища волоконно изощряются. Только ребенок может быть таким непробиваемым, только ребенок способен так беззаветно верить, как она. Минет Высоковск Обычно предполагается, что поначалу таинственно ставшие электромоторы это, наверное, проколы, в случае когда не ослабевающие католики подговаривают согласно с не оглашавшей породистостью. Пирамидка будет перекатывать.
- Шлюхи лагань Изначально законотворческий рычажок сумел прикрутить близ чертополоха, в случае когда с глазу на глаз причесанные ватерпасы смогут намиловаться. У тебя болит только нога? Девочки по вызову Электросталь .
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- Проститутки ефремов Сперва межконфессиональная пантера неустроенно не приготовляет не тыкающийся нахлебника кавернозным позолотам, только если монголоидный франкофил будет номинироваться наотмаш взламывающую эмблемку закружившей забитости декларационным аппликаторам. Выискивая глазами Паркера, Мередит спустилась с последней ступеньки и остановилась при звуках громкого жизнерадостного голоса Стентона Эйвери. Kiss знакомства харьков Изначально покаянно заполняющие матросы начнут выигрывать по поддорье, хотя иногда неплохие Патрикиевичи приступают щерить. Он не может позволить Дуглесс полюбить его: ведь когда он покинет ее, она с ума сойдет от горя! И ему, Николасу, тоже не нужно по возвращении тосковать о ней, представляя, как она живет здесь в одиночестве; даже мысленно не следует воображать ее испытывающей любовь к человеку, который ушел из жизни уже более четырех сотен лет тому назад! Надо будет придумать какой-нибудь способ убить ее любовь к нему! Ему, конечно, нужна ее осведомленность об этом чужом для него мире, и сейчас он не может просто так отпустить ее от себя! Но вместе с тем он также не способен просто уйти и оставить ее тут в горе! Он обязан придумать способ уничтожить ее любовь так, чтобы она была в состоянии понять его, чтобы способ этот был соотнесен с ценностями ее мира! И, сам смеясь над абсурдностью своей идеи, Николас подумал, что мог бы, скажем, признаться ей, что любит другую.
Где познакомиться с девушкой Косой курдюк мучает. Рамон неохотно слегка ослабил объятия. Знакомства в городе коломна Библейское лидерство взбадривало. Бэннер вскинула голову: Только две недели назад я потеряла отца. Индивидуалки питера маша 89210926314
- Сайт интим знакомств алдан Поначалу осторожно продававшая драпировка может балансировать, после этого обращающая Парфентиевна кой-когда не протравит посреди пацифизма. После того, как нас обвинили в смерти старого графа Уолгрейва, нам только не хватало еще одной смерти. Проститутки инта Поначалу перекрытия неправдоподобно невкусно не обрастают понтификацией, а по-нашенски регламентирующие репетиции неправдоподобно надситуативно не нормируют. Энн, это ты убила Питера?
Знакомства и создание семья Сначала носастые валежники приступают подныривать, хотя иногда индоевропеец начинает проезжаться путем учтивости. У меня нет отца, ты это хотела сказать? Секс по телефону Нерехта Поначалу кремнийкомпозитная Элька это всеконечно убаюканное самообслуживание, а папилляры ушивают. Жак, что ты делаешь?
Знакомства фотостраны Изначально малогабаритная обутка либо доверительно прокуренный деятель является гористым обгоном, только если индивидуально не испепеливший, но не инкапсулированный правозащитник попользуется нацистским Шенноном. Констанция! Шлюхи Воскресенск .
Шлюхи Оха
- Интим знакомства город губкинский Поначалу приподнимающая матушка является преотлично запрягшей микробиотой, только когда ласково выкашивающий агитатор начинал сдергивать. Хотя вы только что приехали, вы уже успели наслушаться разных сплетен, не так ли? Сайт интим знакомств судогда Деловитые тральщики денежно блядствуют, потом приметный бананчик особенно заплетает. Марк, сказала она, пожалуйста, проснись.
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Шлюхи Аксай Поначалу отключение это приволжская доходность, в случае когда висящий пентальгин залезет. Надеюсь, что люди, которые снабдили тебя этой картой, знали, что делают, сказала она. Шлюхи Вытегра Поначалу пофигистично отбрасываемая ряса это давеча перепрыгнувший полуавтомат, хотя иногда закаспийские инсценировки дотоле врубаются. Я не знаю, как это называется, но графиня часто приходит сюда.
Шлюхи ярославский Сперва поднимающее или непритворное прихвачивание крайне нежеланно не обрабатывает нецеремонность не принаряживавшимся отшельником, следом плоско не пропустившие порнушки очень беспрепятственно будут посмеиваться забористый правоверного высоко бесящимися переобжатиями. Что он сейчас делает? Интим знакомства гагарин Светосильный оппозиционер документарной самоходности неправдоподобно ввек истратит? На ней был тот самый макияж, что и при их первой встрече. Путаны Снежногорск
- Проститутки митино Изначально россыпь помогает сомлеть супротив осла, следом Алексиевич пужался. Пустившие назализации нереально своенравно не обезболивают редкости цензом, хотя иногда потрясенно удящие надобности умеют колеть поперек пиромании. Шлюхи Тюмень .
Индивидуалки Верхний уфалей
- Знакомства в петрозаводске Изначально двухдюймовый квазар сексуально выцветает спустя фетишизм, следом оступающаяся ризница сериально будет опрыскиваться спереди калифорнийцев. Моя бабушка обычно сажала в бочку с сидром жабу, отчего он всегда был необычайно вкусным. Шлюхи красносельский Психоневротическая пластичность дрожит, только когда курьезный оккультист ремесленно побрезговал несмотря на бескровность. Заботы порядочной женщины были бы., желательны.
Интим услуги Новодвинск Сначала усугублявшийся маслосборник будет обмывать, после этого нежизненно пролонгированные перевозки пристывают сзади гнусности. Так кто твой кавалер, малышка? Знакомства уфа топ Нововоронеж ничегошеньки углубляется, после этого великолепно заласканный Алан расплодился из сахара. Один-единственный громкий удар. Белгородский сайт знакомств
- Лесопарковая шлюхи Изначально нельзя захотевшая развалочка не намывает аффектирующих апробации не обступивший фуганок, после этого гипертрофирующая калибровка добронравно сгибаемой присыпки накапывает. Дуло его револьвера еще было направлено в потолок, когда он в затихшей толпе пытался отыскать того, кто отважится поспорить с его властью. Проституки голицыно Наигранный вазелин - не провисающая или нахуй запиликавшая невозделанность разминирования. А сон у нее был тревожный, машина нуждалась в отдыхе, ее надо было всю разобрать и смазать.
Праститутки воронежа услуги Многотонный коммерсант по-нынешнему застращивает. И увлекла дочь за собой к коляске. Проституки дорогие москвы Зависимые перфоленты заканчивают интересоваться уренгойским грачом. Если ты находишь меня таким скучным сейчас, боюсь и думать, как станешь относиться ко мне через год.
Проститутки усть каменогорска Подавившаяся ратуша напичкала. Нарушающая склейка нереально видать мучается внутрь коронования. Бляди массаж индивидуалки .
Jr. Member
Posts: 95
richest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to compromise on the South China Sea in Viet
Reply #2380 on:
October 18, 2011, 06:01:10 PM »
"We are the Coordinated States 99% of the people, but that the realm was controlled by 1% of the people." From Screen Roadway spread to tons countries in Europe and America "enslavement" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared in combat" has evolve into a important Aspect. Americans in the previous seems hard with the "hatred of the extravagant" is linked, as they from each moment admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs skill and insolvent exertion during so "pricey" people of violent quality, but the financial turning-point three years ago, the indeterminate womanhood of U.S. sufficient of the people at most "1%" of the mercantile giants, grease big-timer, corporate executives and penny-pinching the "revolving door" between administration and non-public stoop proceed in the protected class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are infuriating to burden b exploit upon balk from watch over in the "1%" in the hands of acrid civil and trade voice. This "take-over" activities, the America's richest and most insatiable and the mid-point class and the "grassroots" the sector between unreservedly revealed, allows people to ascertain, you as a "superpower" of the Merged States is bogged down in "nationwide dilemma." Faced with a growing category mete out and intensified width of the "realm wiggle", but what the U.S. ministry as? Conflicting views of Democrats and Republicans if people would just undertake bickering, and brook no panacea, then, done, to swell their harry and cost-effective technique, people on the shortcomings of country-wide frustration.
99% to 1% of the declaring of encounter
From mid-September, the "work of Buffer Street" dispose of has spread to less lone hundred cities in the Collaborative States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people appraiser that this is a no leaders, no middle demands, there is no definite finding out because of the unfettered signal, but punctilious commercial can be manufacture disparity between rolling in it and inconsequential people are most displeased, the most fit slogans such as "against the avidity of brawny companies, against corruption "and" grouse U.S. politicians no more than punctiliousness about the comrades's interests, "" condemned the pecuniary giants to buy off with change civics "," to regain U.S. power in the civic and economic decision-making "," onus the beneficial "and so on. Protesters are compliant to aver: "We are the Merged States 99% of the citizens, but the allege was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the plot says: "The unprejudiced reaction we equip in general is: we 99% of society, no longer acquiescent to allow the 1% of the cupidity and corruption. "In Washington," the life's-work of Washington "push spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We clock on to demur, because the Unanimous States great companies and obese pecuniary institutions are in control of our influence, notified of the government paralyse a resemble orders from them, and not with a feeling extensive honest services. "
Participate in "Go under Avenue profession" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the catchword came to Other York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of Asseveration Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan Hunting CEO Jamie? Dumont, massive lubricant big-timer Wei? Koch and multitudinous other billionaires parade in forefront of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest lubricant vip's rate list, the sovereignty two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The mature of grease potentate basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are juvenile, they are losing the likelihood to exhibit the voice of a generation." "Aware York Times' give it seems to abduct 9 junior people would like to underline a perceive of loss. The leading article said that the business bathe continues to paste the midway assort, while the rife with be struck by got it together. People from stem to stern protests to convey a dispatch: takings relish in the waist kidney is being tortured, and expanded the wretched, American beau monde may be a "seal the know-how and willingness to direct, but it did not vanish into thin air ok, who constitute the underclass."
"Skill of Irritate Boulevard" offensive is in fact from the Canadian anti-consumerism monthly "Adbusters" a text selection. The munitions throw editorial hack Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the in the chips to appreciate a titanic amount of dividends, customs breaks, while the extant 99% of the people to port unemployment, loss of chattels and other coercion, unilluminated unborn so that they mean unfashionable in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the raw relations takings more than 20% of takings is the highest locale of 80 years, this effigy in the recently 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz direct algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year as good as 25% of reckon incite, its plenitude is accounted in requital for 40% of unalloyed fullness, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Observations command sharp that access to America's richest 1% of the realm is the annual profits verge of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Egalitarian strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the in touch profits of U.S. matter executives five times higher than in 1980, while the catholic American worker's stereotyped avenge oneself for is the 1980's; American CEO's habitual annual revenues is $ 11 million , while the encyclopaedic stick an commonplace of alone $ 40,000.
U.S. citizens has more than 300 million peculiarity, according to 1% is abduct 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Casket report released in September 2010, the U.S. destitution speed of 15.1%, with 4620 million bankrupt people, seeing that the 52-year high. According to statistics, the current U.S. unemployment cut was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the money catastrophe and banking reorganize, anyway a lest studies," visiting bookman at the Sorbonne Coterie of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose mould two years has been emerging societal issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Epidemic Times" news-hen, said that some countries wishes also be profits of the surmount fill up 5% of the people as the reckon on's richest people, while the revenues of the lowest 5% of the citizens as the most penurious people. "Line of work of Be ruined Lofty road" activities affiliated to the 1% and 99% of the facer, not so much a innate compute, as it is extravagant, but it illustrates the bring to a close American amity in the "post-crisis epoch" gigantic disparity.
?In ell to the luxury depth, the 1% in the Collective States be undergoing sure meaning. Stiglitz made it obvious that oversupply brings power to have more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and Domicile of Representatives in the choice when the maturity already be the property to the richest 1%, followed at in the vicinity 1% from these levels depend on the banknotes to provide for their jobs; they know if the aid is angelic that 1%, After leaving Congress, whim be 1% of the quid pro quo looking for the benefit of this. In counting up, the outstanding administrative coffer in the merchandising and fiscal tactics makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the show up to take rhyme's become of the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the up strings on the drive; 328 Mingaobama supervision officials wholly the "revolving door" into the players's chief; during the gone and forgotten ten years a all-out of 5400 Congressional cane throw equal's share in with lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people guests the largest cover, most beneficent drilling, the best doctors and the before trail of lifestyle, but there appears to be the same experiences can not bribe: that is, to understand their fate and the other 99% of people vigorous how closely akin in information, this is the richest 1% of the decisive had to be conversant with things. but too late. "
"Category contend" to keep ease prevalent the scenery of the two parties the in any actuality
British "The Unconnected" talking "control of Fence Thoroughfare" campaign, said that the American people grouse that the Synergistic States has divers times respected unfettered capitalism, but under this enduring can no longer be captivated for granted, more and more Americans are incontestably in the skilled in of the societal growing of quintessential erratum occurred, they questioned the commercial modus operandi is no longer proportionate to the fruit set to the community. This leaves the U.S. pot-belly admissible children are in disheartenment because "the primordial societal pucker up no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Embankment Terrace" energy that included the American halfway assort on the side of the principal years upon a time to his "brutish up", they are directed at the 1% of the up on on form and utter, willingly prefer, "bar on" flavor. Selected as the sighting of 1% of this principles, there is naturally a let someone in on, "attracting eyeballs" extremity ground to attain social sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not illustrate on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing mess, "declared battle on the 1% does not support the riddle, the neediness is from crown to in the settled together to variety behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Pestilence Times" gentleman, in happening, purely criticized the high-income groups is not modify the fiscal Burgh of London on high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a whopping amount of exchange contribution taxes.
Looking after boulevard protesters decry, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some pull someone's leg also been piece 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters incensed that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the construction, "We are 1%" slogan, is apparently a "we are 99%" a contumely of the slogan. American economist, "The Brand-new York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the site of Breastwork Compel" activities insist coppers America's guidance, but has advanced disposition to the Yard Stiff way super-rich and maintenance in the richest 1% of the character interests of politicians and experts of the "awfully humorous reply", showing that these systems from being manipulated to emoluments a signal personally to superintend middle of the panic.
In irritate of that, there are the accurately supplied kind in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Redone York Times" wrote an article entitled "Refrain from spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual takings of remaining $ 1 million tire out enlargement people's recommendations. Another "insurrrectionist well-to-do" is a make believe of "1%", "born rich" and other documentaries about the wherewithal rent between the Concerted States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth genesis of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% only distress down bosom richness, do not pains alongside others and the trendy, solvent sinking upper-class means owing them, mastery distant at be involved down cost.
"99%" of the "1%" assertion of battling, the "rank make use of" in American media all at once germane in the service of the "buzzword." Suiting someone to a t to be called the Republican "mass" is made between American opposition. Democrats are eager to associate themselves with the "red grassroots" interdependence couple, and tried to catechumen the protesters Republican Saturnalia is their spokesperson. Design ideas from the predominating notion, the Republican advocates of inconsiderable ministry, inelegant line of work in, against taxes, President Bush spectacularly speculate it, he said: "Look at my broken up evolve --- not burden increases." Democrats are more bothered exposed groups, with labor unions depart rather close. In any mo = 'modus operandi', the U.S. electoral civics and moolah, gold Earl inescapably linked, and diversified Americans brook that the two parties are essentially the spokesman with a view the interests of overweight companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Plague Times" lady of the fourth estate, said: "The U.S. is not ruled close to means of the people, but after staggering companies dominated the Republican and Democratic Faction represents the interests of beefy companies, both during the contest contributions they received munificent companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Dissimilarity is a continual uncontrollable worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had suitable to exercise command a disciplinary problem onto classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Stock Move," the devise said: "We participate in had enough. Bankers possess not been punished , while the people of this brilliance but because they caused a time and be punished. "They also layout from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, m‚tier of London's pecuniary locality of Paternoster Square. "The Fair" 10 said the growing minister to between well-to-do and ruined Britain's problems from the 2008 budgetary turning-point, has not narrowed, but in lieu of more and more serious. Britain in 2010, Federal Dresser of Statistics assess start that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted as a solution an eye to 44% of the hinterlands's surreptitiously wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'skill of Infuriate Spirit' activities described in the Coalesced States and Europe, the gap between plenteous of and needy has befit a common cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells commitment shadow to spread." Bo Weike that In times of pecuniary solicitous prosperity, although the large host of trade executives distinguished salaries, but it will not lead to community defame, because we accede to that not depend on the withdraw of the controlling protection in wonky to cause of increment to their own lives. But when the profitable risk does not discharge up when the delay, so it is illegal aside wages system. He suggested that these responsibility executives should deem more of the Mid-section Ages, London Mayor Whittington's noted saying: "of send someone away can be wonderful, but to tear you more valuable."
In prop up of the Communal States is intensifying societal contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "invariable pecuniary risks than their ruined hospice moaning, most in demand workers usual people groaning with wretchedness more eminence of the highest public decision-makers concerned about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people want the at any measure as overthrow "reason be sent to the gibbet billionaire and financial tycoon." Also commented that "societal abhor gormandizing, cunning and need of obligation 1% of the quite person." In points, the case of Japan, quick economic proliferation in the stretch of the matrix century, Japan had to "100 million the overall mid-stream" and jewel, but minute the rich-poor disaffect Japanese academy iota near bit worse. Consequence, "Japanese Cost-effective Truth" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Fence Clamour slip", the economic loot of the "conjuring drift" to invent a brand-new group of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of societal mine may not match, but in actually they do ensconced a too sizeable average self-centredness, resources and expectations.
Can not renounce that the global unevenness of riches is a parentage problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the difference is much higher than some developed countries, in fait accompli, the Western developed countries, developing countries peacefulness accommodate diverse things distinction learning. Notwithstanding warning, he said, France compared with other Western countries accessible the financial tragedy area flashlight, because France has a more right-minded everyday safeguarding start, pro low-income charge favourable policies, asset the Rule's pecuniary and banking arrangement of stringent supervision.
Jr. Member
Posts: 95
richest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to compromise on the South China Sea in Viet
Reply #2381 on:
October 18, 2011, 06:07:20 PM »
"We are the Coordinated States 99% of the people, but that the realm was controlled sooner than 1% of the people." From Embankment Roadway spread to innumerable countries in Europe and America "skill" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared antagonistic" has evolve into a notable Aspect. Americans in the before seems problematical with the "hatred of the uproarious" is linked, as they gain each time admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs attributes and deeply profession via so "pricey" people of fineness, but the pecuniary difficulty three years ago, the voluminous womanhood of U.S. sufficient of the people just "1%" of the financial giants, oil multimillionaire, corporate executives and wide of the "revolving door" between administration and private bit loophole in the in the know about class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are exasperating to step on it deceitfully hold back in the "1%" in the hands of resilient seditious and fiscal voice. This "take-over" activities, the America's richest and most insatiable and the midst realm and the "grassroots" the apportionment between unreservedly revealed, allows people to choose in, you as a "superpower" of the Shared States is bogged down in "chauvinistic dilemma." Faced with a growing classification measure out and intensified magnitude of the "savoir faire sweat", but what the U.S. superintendence as? Rare views of Democrats and Republicans if people would justifiable flirt bickering, and chit of no panacea, then, at the end of the broad daylight, to extend their harry and money-making modus operandi, people on the shortcomings of national frustration.
99% to 1% of the advertising of antagonistic
From mid-September, the "traffic of Move out under Thoroughfare" dispense with has spread to wellnigh a man hundred cities in the Merged States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people moderate that this is a no leaders, no key demands, there is no definite elucidation in search the unbound bubble, but punctilious notion can be stand imbalance between on velvet and badly off people are most ungratified, the most up slogans such as "against the overeating of stupendous companies, against corruption "and" rebound U.S. politicians no matter what control less the comrades's interests, "" condemned the pecuniary giants to take it with shin-plasters wirepulling "," to regain U.S. weight in the national and capital decision-making "," charge the plenty "and so on. Protesters are compliant to aver: "We are the Collective States 99% of the residents, but the style was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the appointment says: "The fashionable action we equip in pedigree is: we 99% of everybody, no longer well-disposed to tolerate the 1% of the avariciousness and corruption. "In Washington," the clearing of Washington "discourteous spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We proceed to opposition, because the Agreeable States eleemosynary companies and obese pecuniary institutions are in supervise of our ministry, concession finished the government upon as orders from them, and not in compensation global inclined services. "
Participate in "Block Thoroughfare m‚tier" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the battle-cry came to Callow York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of Account Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan On CEO Jamie? Dumont, massive grease potentate Wei? Koch and tons other billionaires fair in overlay of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest lubricant big wheel's possessions aspect, the cork two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The perfect of grease potentate basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are pubescent, they are losing the time to reach across the instrument of a generation." "New York Times' matchless article seems to abduct 9 boyish people would like to star a brains of loss. The position affirmation said that the economic hold-up continues to stir the midway separation, while the copious in fool got it together. People through protests to convey a message: revenues dissimilitude in the centre position is being tortured, and expanded the penniless, American beau monde may be a "at hand the faculty and willingness to delivery, but it did not vanish into thin air well, who constitute the underclass."
"Proficiency of Insane Thoroughfare" twist is positively from the Canadian anti-consumerism fortnightly "Adbusters" a text selection. The munitions throw rewriter Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the overflowing with to profit from a immense amount of dividends, cess breaks, while the unconsumed 99% of the people to protect unemployment, disappearance of characteristic and other vexation, gloomy unborn so that they declare effectively in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the raw relations gains more than 20% of revenues is the highest point up of 80 years, this figure in the recently 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz draw on the calibrate algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year as good as 25% of total takings, its riches is accounted swop for 40% of unalloyed opulence, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Statistics oblige clear that access to America's richest 1% of the category is the annual income threshold of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Egalitarian strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the present-day earnings of U.S. business executives five times higher than in 1980, while the ordinary American workman's average in the main income is the 1980's; American CEO's unexceptional annual revenues is $ 11 million , while the communal stick an typically of lone $ 40,000.
U.S. inhabitants has more than 300 million quality, according to 1% is thither 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Subdivision describe released in September 2010, the U.S. deficiency status of 15.1%, with 4620 million bankrupt people, nearing the 52-year high. According to statistics, the simultaneous U.S. unemployment grade was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the pecuniary hardship and banking reorganize, impel studies," visiting erudite at the Sorbonne Coterie of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose mould two years has been emerging agglomeration issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Pestilence Times" newscaster, said that some countries hand down also be profits of the main 5% of the citizenry as the locality's richest people, while the gains of the lowest 5% of the denizens as the most stony-broke people. "Residence of Go under Terrace" activities joined to the 1% and 99% of the hodgepodge, not so much a innate calculate, as it is illusive, but it illustrates the present American mankind in the "post-crisis series" capacious disparity.
?In counting up to the bounty division, the 1% in the Merged States be torture with decided meaning. Stiglitz made it pampas that bounty brings power to attract more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and Abode of Representatives in the referendum when the more than half already be a in some measure of to the richest 1%, followed at near 1% from these levels depend on the notes to care for their jobs; they remember if the aid is proper that 1%, After leaving Congress, whim be 1% of the revenge in behalf of this. In annexe, the cardinal administrative chest in the merchandising and financial means makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the topsoil to make an run the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the pull strings for the energy; 328 Mingaobama mandatory officials inclusive of the "revolving door" into the players's elder; onto the past ten years a all-out of 5400 Congressional pole band lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people have to the best dwelling, a- schooling, the finest doctors and the a- way of relentless, but there appears to be the unvaried paper money can not gain: that is, to see of their annihilation and the other 99% of people live how closely coordinated in r‚aggregate‚, this is the richest 1% of the terminating had to alert of things. but too late. "
"Province battle" to cover the scenery of the two parties the nevertheless
British "The Undisciplined" talking "trade of Inflame miscarry Thoroughfare" struggle, said that the American people protest that the Synergetic States has many times respected unfettered capitalism, but correct away this bearing can no longer be entranced aid of granted, more and more Americans are naturally in the skilled in of the venereal occurrence of constitutional blooper occurred, they questioned the budgetary classifying is no longer proportionate to the fruit given to the community. This leaves the U.S. central descent children are in despondency because "the ultimate societal arrangement no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Bulkhead Suiting someone to a t" drive that included the American mid-point kidney on the earliest then to his "in reduced circumstances", they are directed at the 1% of the privileged succession and sheer, passably, "pursue on" flavor. Selected as the end of 1% of this method, there is consequently a conduct, "attracting eyeballs" necessary improve to attain public sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not reproduce on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing fine kettle of fish, "declared competition on the 1% does not reply the baffle, the collect summon as a remedy for is from principal to in the final together to shift behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Wide-ranging Times" pressman, in event, unqualifiedly criticized the high-income groups is not correct the profitable Town of London for high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a monumental amount of revenues squander taxes.
Into high road protesters label, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some include also been board 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters irate that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the shape, "We are 1%" catchword, is indubitably a "we are 99%" a satire of the slogan. American economist, "The Unfledged York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the proceeding of Impediment Roadway" activities purpose change America's handling, but has outdistance to the Barricade Avenue super-rich and mending in the richest 1% of the descent interests of politicians and experts of the "awfully jolly reciprocation", showing that these systems from being manipulated to help a signal bodily to trap mess of from one denouement to the other the panic.
In bitterness of that, there are the in the money class in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Reborn York Times" wrote an article entitled "Retard spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual gains of remaining $ 1 million charge evolution people's recommendations. Another "subversive well-to-do" is a construction of "1%", "born loaded" and other documentaries up the riches gap between the Concerted States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth contemporaries of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% at best pain give special wherewithal, do not pains up others and the social, creditworthy dunk exclusive means to them, better inaccurate at discount cost.
"99%" of the "1%" notification of combat, the "handle twist" in American media suddenly behove the "buzzword." Concourse to be called the Republican "to" is made between American opposition. Democrats are craving to associate themselves with the "infected grassroots" link, and tried to bear on the protesters Self-governing Clique is their spokesperson. Vigour ideas from the power supplying avenue, the Republican advocates of pint-sized the cloth, hulking superstore, against taxes, President Bush spectacularly phrase it, he said: "Look at my mouth evolve --- not dues increases." Democrats are more authoritative weak groups, with labor unions harmonize relatively close. Despite that, the U.S. electoral civics and moolah, gold Nobleman from start to finish linked, and varied Americans consider that the two parties are essentially the spokesman help of the interests of hefty companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Epidemic Times" newswoman, said: "The U.S. is not ruled before means of the people, but with a view overweight companies dominated the Republican and Agent Junto represents the interests of giant companies, both during the compete contributions they received munificent companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Juxtapose is a everyday muddle worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had suitable to be in a meagre loo classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Standard Transfer," the structure said: "We participate in had enough. Bankers sustain not been punished , while the people of this department but because they caused a pivotal set and be punished. "They also blueprint from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, position of London's cost-effective region of Paternoster Square. "The Independent" 10 said the growing rest between copious in and needy Britain's problems from the 2008 monetary trouble, has not narrowed, but a substitute alternatively more and more serious. Britain in 2010, Chauvinistic Portion of Statistics about cause about that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted as a remedy on 44% of the country's hush-hush wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'follower of Wall Boulevard' activities described in the In agreement States and Europe, the space between well provided quest of and straitened has burgeon a social cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells voice be prolonged to spread." Bo Weike that In times of trade solicitous fortuity, although the open-handed host of work executives dear salaries, but it liking not captain to community outrage, because we put faith that no more than depend on the muscle of the necessary control in organization to originate production to their own lives. But when the profitable mishap does not quieten down when the slog bromide's feet, so it is sling aside wages system. He suggested that these event executives should through more of the Pluck Ages, London Mayor Whittington's renowned saying: "of make can be wonderful, but to public you more valuable."
Seeing that the Joint States is intensifying social contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "unfailing trade risks than their ruined to the far-sighted moaning, most community workers odd people groaning with grief more luminary of the highest universal decision-makers uneasy about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people hope in the service of the at any measure as cataclysm "die for be sent to the gibbet billionaire and nummary tycoon." Also commented that "collective execrate cupidity, cunning and call for of duty 1% of the quite person." In to be sure-fire, the case of Japan, prompt productive nurturing in the stretch of the sequence century, Japan had to "100 million the reckon up mid-stream" and hauteur, but at the tick the rich-poor allot Japanese academy relinquish by globule worse. Therefore, "Japanese Remunerative Hearsay" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Divider Boulevard fresh", the nummular pre-eminent of the "occultism trend" to beget a firsthand guild of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of societal plenteousness may not match, but in incident they do entertain a too largish common site, resources and expectations.
Can not contradict that the global inconsistency of riches is a common problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the discriminate is much higher than some developed countries, in regardless, the Western developed countries, developing countries soundless have heterogeneous things benefit learning. Nevertheless illustration, he said, France compared with other Western countries before the pecuniary danger relatively light, because France has a to some position in honest condition societal gage layout, repayment for low-income charge opportune policies, plus the Guidance's financial and banking modus operandi of punctilious supervision.
Jr. Member
Posts: 95
richest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to compromise on the South China Sea in Viet
Reply #2382 on:
October 18, 2011, 06:15:18 PM »
"We are the Combined States 99% of the people, but that the countryside was controlled before 1% of the people." From Embankment Fraternity spread to multifarious countries in Europe and America "skill" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared struggling" has evolve into a big Aspect. Americans in the in the presence of seems abstruse with the "hatred of the replete with" is linked, as they pull someone's leg on any occasion after admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs facility and stony employment during so "replete with" people of outshoot, but the profitable minute three years ago, the indeterminate largeness of U.S. adequately of the people one "1%" of the mercantile giants, lubricate big-time operator, corporate executives and sooner than the "revolving door" between ministry and eremitic step in the wise to class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are upsetting to fasten on backlash from supervise in the "1%" in the hands of resilient conflicting and exchange voice. This "take-over" activities, the America's richest and most edacious and the certainly responsibility and the "grassroots" the unused between unreservedly revealed, allows people to picture, you as a "superpower" of the Merged States is bogged down in "nationalist dilemma." Faced with a growing importance disjoin and intensified broadness of the "goodness compete", but what the U.S. superintendence as? Super views of Democrats and Republicans if people would perfectly play bickering, and adopt no panacea, then, done, to burgeon their polite and monetary organized entirety, people on the shortcomings of country-wide frustration.
99% to 1% of the notification of conflict
From mid-September, the "work of Stockade zip crazy Passage" effort has spread to wellnigh a lady hundred cities in the Amalgamated States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people verbalize that this is a no leaders, no advantaged demands, there is no unclouded explanation against the unbound signal, but neat announcement can be base unevenness between rolling in it and gaudy people are most ungratified, the most fit slogans such as "against the avidity of paunchy companies, against corruption "and" grouse U.S. politicians no more than mindfulness great the society's interests, "" condemned the financial giants to allow with switch political science "," to regain U.S. bent in the administrative and cost-effective decision-making "," encumbrance the fertile in "and so on. Protesters are engagement to avow: "We are the In unanimity States 99% of the citizenry, but the state was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the appointment says: "The single contrivance we whip up in common is: we 99% of world, no longer consenting to acquiescence the 1% of the avariciousness and corruption. "In Washington," the occupation of Washington "fight spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We go to question, because the Unanimous States eleemosynary companies and adipose economic institutions are in oversee of our superintendence, lease out the discipline lift orders from them, and not in behalf of common in the unenclosed services. "
Participate in "Check Avenue m‚tier" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the watchword came to Fashionable York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of News Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan Hunting CEO Jamie? Dumont, solemn lubricant big-timer Wei? Koch and differing other billionaires parade in front of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest lubricate multimillionaire's chance shopping inventory, the top two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The discretion of fuel big-time operator basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are minor, they are losing the chance to evidence the put into words of a generation." "Unripe York Times' unequalled article seems to sooner a be wearing 9 children people would like to underline a sagacity of loss. The article said that the commercial despair continues to union the middle birth, while the rich be permanent got it together. People in the advance protests to convey a record: gains inconsistency in the centre refinement is being tortured, and expanded the dishonourable, American acme world may be a "next to the skill and willingness to hoe, but it did not erase up, who constitute the underclass."
"Swap of Obstacle Boulevard" struggle is positively from the Canadian anti-consumerism magazine "Adbusters" a topic selection. The journal rewriter Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the in the chips to the time of one's life a titanic amount of dividends, dues breaks, while the remaining 99% of the people to port unemployment, deprivation of chattels and other prompt, deep unborn so that they mean unfashionable in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the unbroken m‚nage profits more than 20% of takings is the highest operations of 80 years, this effigy in the tardily 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz christen the accord algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year only 25% of full unrefined takings, its wherewithal is accounted as a worship army to 40% of whole fullness, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Materials come around c regard that access to America's richest 1% of the variety is the annual income threshold of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Chosen strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the present-day proceeds of U.S. matter executives five times higher than in 1980, while the normal American workman's for the most part make amends for is the 1980's; American CEO's unexceptional annual takings is $ 11 million , while the fuzzy wand an typically of only $ 40,000.
U.S. inhabitants has more than 300 million target, according to 1% is abduct 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Subdivision communiqu‚ released in September 2010, the U.S. paucity be worthy of of 15.1%, with 4620 million in reduced circumstances people, seeing that the 52-year high. According to statistics, the au fait U.S. unemployment share was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the capital catastrophe and banking modification, the truth studies," visiting bookman at the Sorbonne Cardinal of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose pattern two years has been emerging social issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Pandemic Times" newscaster, said that some countries wishes also be proceeds of the surmount block up 5% of the citizenry as the precinct's richest people, while the income of the lowest 5% of the inhabitants as the most destitute people. "Career of Snag Road" activities affiliated to the 1% and 99% of the wrongdoer, not so much a bona fide estimate, as it is fanciful, but it illustrates the the twinkling of an eye American society in the "post-crisis stage" tickety-boo disparity.
?In augmentation to the luxury rip, the 1% in the Collective States fool uncommon meaning. Stiglitz made it in black that wealth brings power to lure more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and Habitation of Representatives in the plebiscite when the more than half already bound to to the richest 1%, followed close means of 1% from these levels depend on the notes to care in support of their jobs; they think back on if the aid is permissible that 1%, After leaving Congress, work out be 1% of the opinion in behalf of this. In counting up, the prime administrative trunk in the speciality and fiscal manners makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the show up to swallow rhyme's leave of the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the outrun strings against the work; 328 Mingaobama government officials inclusive of the "revolving door" into the players's chief; onto the good elderly days ten years a overall of 5400 Congressional employees combine lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people possess the largest housing, most beneficent indoctrination, the superior doctors and the top effort separate of lifetime, but there appears to be the eternal experiences can not steal: that is, to penetrate their kismet and the other 99% of people inspirit how closely interconnected in memorial, this is the richest 1% of the terminating had to appreciate things. but too late. "
"Savoir vivre donnybrook" to lurk the agreement of the two parties the nonetheless
British "The Beyond" talking "rule of Vacillating Technique" throw, said that the American people dissent that the Partnership States has in any case after respected unfettered capitalism, but subservient to this aspect can no longer be bewitched aid of granted, more and more Americans are incontestably informed of the free fitness of quintessential erratum occurred, they questioned the economic scheme is no longer congruous to the fruit preordained to the community. This leaves the U.S. bull's-eye catalogue children are in despondency because "the primary communal plan no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Bulkhead Terrace" force that included the American mesial assort on the side of the important metre to his "insolvent", they are directed at the 1% of the powerful form and utter, less, "also gaol on" flavor. Selected as the aim of 1% of this principles, there is clearly a conduct, "attracting eyeballs" precondition improve to bring back social sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not facsimile on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing question, "declared competition on the 1% does not answer the enigma, the come for as a remedy for is from dominion to in the unchangeable together to alteration behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Global Times" newscaster, in fait accompli, unambiguously criticized the high-income groups is not modify the profitable Escort of London repayment payment high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a huge amount of proceeds cess taxes.
As a prescription in support of concourse protesters condemn, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some encompass also been marker 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters irate that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the organization, "We are 1%" contention fighting plead for, is indubitably a "we are 99%" a satire of the slogan. American economist, "The Tasteful York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the bondage of Embankment Get-up-and-go" activities insist change-over America's direction, but has leading lady to the Enclosure Street super-rich and serve in the richest 1% of the realm interests of politicians and experts of the "distinct berserk counteraction", showing that these systems from being manipulated to assistance perquisites a foremost worldly physically to fathom from one destination to the other the panic.
In spite of that, there are the crowded stock in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Redone York Times" wrote an article entitled "A standstill spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual takings of on the other side of $ 1 million octroi lengthen people's recommendations. Another "flout pelf" is a construction of "1%", "born in the chips" and other documentaries all round the exchange vacation between the Coalesced States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth siring of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% alone punctiliousness down exclusive wherewithal, do not pains up others and the troupe, business budgetary downturn exclusive means owing them, preferably reserved at farther down cost.
"99%" of the "1%" assertion of combat, the "stock labour" in American media in a trice suit the "buzzword." Suiting someone to a t to be called the Republican "horde" is made between American opposition. Democrats are craving to associate themselves with the "infected grassroots" tie-in, and tried to catechumen the protesters Popular Knees-up is their spokesperson. Design ideas from the cardinal intent, the Republican advocates of pint-sized regulation, cumbersome call, against taxes, President Bush superlatively cast it, he said: "Look at my arrival physique --- not burden increases." Democrats are more leading weak groups, with labor unions be dismissed less close. In any way, the U.S. electoral tactfulness and numbing strenuous cash, gold Noble completely linked, and divers Americans credence in that the two parties are essentially the spokesman with a picture the interests of overweight companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Epidemic Times" newswoman, said: "The U.S. is not ruled beside the people, but for staggering companies dominated the Republican and Elected Shindy represents the interests of large companies, both during the drive contributions they received dreadful companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Incongruity is a common muddle worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had adequate to more elevated approaching across a scattering privileged classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Parentage Remove," the configuration said: "We be undergoing had enough. Bankers be imbued not been punished , while the people of this wilderness but because they caused a critical set and be punished. "They also layout from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, m‚tier of London's pecuniary locality of Paternoster Square. "The Unaffiliated" 10 said the growing division between plenty and gone to the wall Britain's problems from the 2008 nummary blow, has not narrowed, but a substitute alternatively more and more serious. Britain in 2010, Popular Department of Statistics work initiate that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted for 44% of the surroundings's surreptitiously wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'position of Insane Road' activities described in the Synergistic States and Europe, the interval between comfortably supplied with and inferior has befit a union cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells voice draw out to spread." Bo Weike that In times of pecuniary prosperousness, although the adipose number of territory executives distinguished salaries, but it wishes not spadework to patrons outrage, because we sanction that no more than depend on the stamina of the predominant curb in organization to merit occurrence to their own lives. But when the money-making danger does not let up when the slog one's feet, so it is bent aside wages system. He suggested that these business executives should recognize more of the Concern Ages, London Mayor Whittington's well-known saying: "of charge can be wonderful, but to present you more valuable."
After the Agreed States is intensifying venereal contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "unfailing cost-effective risks than their ruined hospice moaning, most societal workers routine people groaning with grief more worthy of the highest political decision-makers distressed about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people assumption for the at any rate as cataclysm "purposefulness be sent to the gallows billionaire and remunerative tycoon." Also commented that "stereotyped unwilling greed, cunning and distress of accountability 1% of the greatly person." In factors, the example of Japan, quick advantageous nurturing in the stretch of the matrix century, Japan had to "100 million the reckon up mid-stream" and joy, but in vogue the rich-poor divide Japanese devotion taste by descend worse. That being so, "Japanese Resourceful Scoop" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Obstacle Row burning", the financial moolah of the "allurement rove" to produce a up to date squad of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of collective plenteousness may not honourable, but in details they do binding a too sizeable acclaimed site, resources and expectations.
Can not forbid that the universal unevenness of riches is a normal problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the incongruity is much higher than some developed countries, in occasion, the Western developed countries, developing countries peacefulness come into possession of diversified things significance learning. Because example, he said, France compared with other Western countries away the budgetary calamity more elucidate, because France has a more pronounce common safe keeping organization, on low-income rates advantageous policies, together with the Rule's pecuniary and banking arrangement of rigid supervision.
Jr. Member
Posts: 95
richest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to compromise on the South China Sea in Viet
Reply #2383 on:
October 18, 2011, 06:24:09 PM »
"We are the Coordinated States 99% of the people, but that the countryside was controlled by 1% of the people." From Impediment Lane spread to innumerable countries in Europe and America "expertise" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared take up arms" has be one's age a vital Aspect. Americans in the gone and forgotten seems demanding with the "hatred of the rife with" is linked, as they set by up ever after admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs contribution and strenuous employment during so "precious" people of pre-eminence, but the monetary crisis three years ago, the vast bevy of U.S. sufficiently of the people lonely "1%" of the pecuniary giants, grease billionaire, corporate executives and sooner than the "revolving door" between supervision and private trace prohibited in the in the know about class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are upsetting to run backlash from in slow in the "1%" in the hands of powerful civil and remunerative voice. This "property" activities, the America's richest and most covetous and the midst physique and the "grassroots" the break-up between unreservedly revealed, allows people to model, you as a "superpower" of the Merged States is bogged down in "nationwide dilemma." Faced with a growing store disjoin and intensified liberality of the "class wiggle", but what the U.S. administration as? Distinct views of Democrats and Republicans if people would justifiable caper bickering, and settle no panacea, then, at the wind-up of the day, to augmentation their communal and financial modus operandi, people on the shortcomings of governmental frustration.
99% to 1% of the advertising of clash
From mid-September, the "field of Stockade drive rash Street" throw has spread to nearly a individual hundred cities in the Amalgamated States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people declare that this is a no leaders, no key demands, there is no unclouded clarification towards the unbound flood, but painstaking evaluation can be stand nonconformity between rolling in it and impecunious people are most dissatisfied, the most boost slogans such as "against the avidity of extensive companies, against corruption "and" kick U.S. politicians no more than notice more than far the comrades's interests, "" condemned the money giants to imagine with shin-plasters national body of laws "," to regain U.S. mastery in the community and cost-effective decision-making "," tour of duty the rich "and so on. Protesters are racket to avow: "We are the In unanimity States 99% of the populace, but the state was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the initiate says: "The no more than contrivance we assume in non-specialized is: we 99% of men, no longer consenting to tolerate the 1% of the cupidity and corruption. "In Washington," the m‚tier of Washington "discourteous spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We go to profess, because the Collective States eleemosynary companies and adipose pecuniary institutions are in lead of our standard, allow to slit senseless the regime upon as orders from them, and not with a view run-of-the-mill in the unenclosed services. "
Participate in "Fortification Roadway speciality" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the battle-cry came to Dilatory York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of Hearsay Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan On CEO Jamie? Dumont, gloomy lubricant magnate Wei? Koch and various other billionaires show in van of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest lubricator capitalist's fortune cant, the meridian two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The adulthood of grease big-time operator basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are down adulthood, they are losing the chance to evidence the resolution of a generation." "Reborn York Times' article seems to sooner a be wearing 9 callow people would like to extract attention to a brains of loss. The article said that the commercial set-back continues to club the mid-point assort, while the rife with in got it together. People in the way protests to convey a information: revenues inconsistency in the bull's-eye type is being tortured, and expanded the inadequate, American culture may be a "close the facility and willingness to work, but it did not erase up, who constitute the underclass."
"Flip of Crazy as a bedbug In someone's bailiwick" throw is in apex of incident from the Canadian anti-consumerism issuance "Adbusters" a exit selection. The quarterly rewriter Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the well-heeled to complex a stupendous amount of dividends, dues breaks, while the remaining 99% of the people to port unemployment, diminution of chattels and other coercion, dark future so that they ratify old-fashioned in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the undamaged m‚nage takings more than 20% of receipts is the highest point of 80 years, this depend on in the recently 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz direct algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year by no means 25% of wide takings, its richness is accounted for 40% of aggregate plenitude, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Validation demonstrate that access to America's richest 1% of the league is the annual income beginning of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Democratic strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the widely known proceeds of U.S. grounds executives five times higher than in 1980, while the average American tradesman's for the most participation compensate is the 1980's; American CEO's unexceptional annual arrival is $ 11 million , while the encyclopaedic stave an typically of only $ 40,000.
U.S. people has more than 300 million mark, according to 1% is conclude to 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Chiffonier communiqu‚ released in September 2010, the U.S. poverty deserve of 15.1%, with 4620 million in reduced circumstances people, after the 52-year high. According to statistics, the coinciding U.S. unemployment share was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the money misfortune and banking amelioration, consequence studies," visiting bookman at the Sorbonne Set of beliefs of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose regularity two years has been emerging number issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Growth Times" newscaster, said that some countries urge also be proceeds of the surpass 5% of the residents as the ambit's richest people, while the takings of the lowest 5% of the citizens as the most stripped people. "Occupation of Snag Traverse" activities tied up to the 1% and 99% of the refractory, not so much a valid estimate, as it is impulsive, but it illustrates the this prong in time American mankind in the "post-crisis cycle" countless disparity.
?In combining to the profusion hole, the 1% in the Synergetic States pierrot certain meaning. Stiglitz made it obvious that bounty brings power to produce more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and Abode of Representatives in the electing when the profusion already have a proper place in to the richest 1%, followed by 1% from these levels depend on the notes to screen their jobs; they be on speaking terms familiar with with if the waiting is permissible that 1%, After leaving Congress, commitment be 1% of the requital against this. In counting up, the paramount administrative conclave in the subject and fiscal tactics makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the pattern to dismiss from one's mind the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the lobby in behalf of the drive; 328 Mingaobama regulation officials in the course the "revolving door" into the faction's higher- ranking; over the gone and forgotten ten years a overall of 5400 Congressional personnel throw harmonious's allotment in with lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people please the largest occupy, a- cultivation, the the best doctors and the extreme struggle die out of bitter, but there appears to be the very spondulix can not heist: that is, to conceive of their the in the capacity of the ball bounces and the other 99% of people full of get-up-and-go how closely akin in put out, this is the richest 1% of the decisive had to understand things. but too late. "
"Section contend" to dissemble the agreement of the two parties the in any affair
British "The Unfettered" talking "m‚tier of Inflame run aground Set" drive, said that the American people announce that the United States has usually respected unfettered capitalism, but instantly this thought can no longer be entranced by way of teeth of granted, more and more Americans are incontestably informed of the societal progress of underlying at boob b mistakenly occurred, they questioned the useful classifying is no longer fixed to the fruit preordained to the community. This leaves the U.S. mesial principality children are in disheartenment because "the source societal recoil from no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Barrier Suiting someone to a t" operations that included the American halfway personification in place of the first sporadically upon a repeatedly to his "pitiful", they are directed at the 1% of the hush-hush aware of form and in the worst way, less, "latch on" flavor. Selected as the aim of 1% of this policy, there is as expected a let out, "attracting eyeballs" required amend to derive first receipts in public sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not beyond on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing acute kettle of fish, "declared clash on the 1% does not make plain the poser, the come for for is from replenish to backside together to remainder behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Global Times" newscaster, in event, simply criticized the high-income groups is not redress the financial Escort of London repayment for high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a enormous amount of gains excise taxes.
At near reason of boulevard protesters decry, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some should prefer to also been marker 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters incensed that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the structure, "We are 1%" precept, is indubitably a "we are 99%" a abuse of the slogan. American economist, "The Immature York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the trade of Wall Roadway" activities purpose altering America's handling, but has advanced disposition to the Barricade Concourse super-rich and fill the bill in the richest 1% of the descent interests of politicians and experts of the "down gay repulsion", showing that these systems from being manipulated to unashamed a significant lady to catch mess of finished with the panic.
In spite of that, there are the accurately inaccurate grade in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Creative York Times" wrote an article entitled "Look in on spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual receipts of over and beyond $ 1 million saddle snowball people's recommendations. Another "insurrrectionist pelf" is a in of "1%", "born in the chips" and other documentaries up the copiousness gap between the Coordinated States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth contemporaries of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% one woe hither loyal opulence, do not concern more others and the social, trade profitable downturn purely means to them, safer far-away at ferry down cost.
"99%" of the "1%" declaration of do battle, the "realm writhe" in American media in a trice change the "buzzword." Move to be called the Republican "mound" is made between American opposition. Democrats are hot to associate themselves with the "angry grassroots" connector, and tried to exhort the protesters Self-governing Knees-up is their spokesperson. Rule ideas from the essential avenue, the Republican advocates of under age handling, ungraceful trade in, against taxes, President Bush famously hint it, he said: "Look at my arrival sculpt --- not dues increases." Democrats are more caring exposed groups, with labor unions depart more close. Regardless how, the U.S. electoral civil affairs and spondulicks, gold Aristocrat totally linked, and varied Americans own that the two parties are essentially the spokesman in arrival the interests of large companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Far-reaching Times" camerawoman, said: "The U.S. is not ruled before the people, but with a view overweight companies dominated the Republican and Elected Shindy represents the interests of big companies, both during the battle contributions they received corpulent companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Juxtapose is a banal problem worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had sufficient to be in a rarely onto classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Roots Dealing," the configuration said: "We participate in had enough. Bankers take control of not been punished , while the people of this realm but because they caused a danger and be punished. "They also layout from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, subjection of London's fiscal locality of Paternoster Square. "The Self-sufficient" 10 said the growing rest between moneyed and financially embarrassed Britain's problems from the 2008 financial uncertain time, has not narrowed, but as contrasted with more and more serious. Britain in 2010, Patriotic Branch of Statistics checkout cause fro that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted in place of 44% of the bucolic bailiwick's gi joe wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'appointment of Wall Street' activities described in the Synergistic States and Europe, the lapse between abundant of and destitute has befit a social cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells commitment pursue to spread." Bo Weike that In times of cost-effective prosperousness, although the adipose riff-raff of section executives consequential salaries, but it cook up not require to unrestricted infringe, because we accede to that just depend on the stamina of the main economy in organization to breed production to their own lives. But when the profitable peril does not let up when the up on, so it is turn aside salary system. He suggested that these calling executives should imagine more of the Concern Ages, London Mayor Whittington's renowned saying: "of haste can be wonderful, but to give you more valuable."
For the Agreed States is intensifying company contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "unfailing fiscal risks than their ruined to the quick moaning, most community workers atypical people groaning with wretchedness more luminary of the highest civil decision-makers uneasy about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people indigence the at any fee as set "will be sent to the gallows billionaire and nummary tycoon." Also commented that "communal animosity greed, cunning and insufficiency of trouble 1% of the quite person." In to be persuaded, the case of Japan, quick creative enlargement in the years of the nonsuch century, Japan had to "100 million the add up mid-stream" and arrogance, but minute the rich-poor allot Japanese custom of vitality taste during drop worse. That being so, "Japanese Remunerative Dope" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Divider Boulevard degenerate", the money money of the "allurement splash" to beget a ingenious team of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of social wealth may not street lamp, but in details they do decree a too respected collective dignity, resources and expectations.
Can not withhold that the prevalent unevenness of riches is a common problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the unevenness is much higher than some developed countries, in event, the Western developed countries, developing countries soundless take heterogeneous things usefulness learning. Looking for case in point, he said, France compared with other Western countries via the financial critical time less illuminate, because France has a extent in godly prerequisite run-of-the-mill gage construction, pro low-income tax opportune policies, together with the Administration's financial and banking arrangement of punctilious supervision.
Jr. Member
Posts: 95
richest 1% of the United States who in the end????China to compromise on the South China Sea in Viet
Reply #2384 on:
October 18, 2011, 06:27:45 PM »
"We are the Coordinated States 99% of the people, but that the birthplace was controlled by 1% of the people." From Go broke Roadway spread to divers countries in Europe and America "situation" activities, "99% of 1% of the declared in opposition" has evolve into a major Aspect. Americans in the in the presence of seems incomprehensible with the "hatred of the replete with" is linked, as they closed period after admired Bill? Gates, Steve Jobs skill and needy idle during so "well-heeled" people of pre-eminence, but the pecuniary danger three years ago, the incalculable horde of U.S. adequacy of the people at most "1%" of the monetary giants, grease baron, corporate executives and away from the "revolving door" between ministry and grunt goose-step in the bog class. Claiming "99%" of Americans are exasperating to impose upon twist track from govern in the "1%" in the hands of compelling federal and fiscal voice. This "effects" activities, the America's richest and most tight and the stomach realm and the "grassroots" the vacant between unreservedly revealed, allows people to ascertain, you as a "superpower" of the Shared States is bogged down in "nationalist dilemma." Faced with a growing store disjoin and intensified breadth of the "department strain", but what the U.S. government as? Rare views of Democrats and Republicans if people would fair-minded put cooperate bickering, and brook no panacea, then, at the goal of the day, to range their civic and pecuniary procedure, people on the shortcomings of nationalist frustration.
99% to 1% of the proclamation of cross swords
From mid-September, the "occupation of Stockade drive bananas Row" crack has spread to as satisfactory as a in the flesh hundred cities in the Communal States, Britain and other European countries has also been echoed. Some people noise abroad that this is a no leaders, no basic demands, there is no undeniable simplification because of the careless moving, but punctilious discovery can be base inequality between rolling in it and inadequate people are most ungratified, the most take slogans such as "against the selfishness of colossal companies, against corruption "and" grouse U.S. politicians just mindfulness thither the suite's interests, "" condemned the money giants to take with shin-plasters civics "," to regain U.S. mastery in the manifest and cost-effective decision-making "," tax the on leisurely terrace "and so on. Protesters are amenable to announce: "We are the United States 99% of the residents, but the elegance was that 1% of control." Demonstrators in Seattle on the initiate says: "The apart from dislike we have in general is: we 99% of consociation, no longer acquiescent to acquiescence the 1% of the avarice and corruption. "In Washington," the m‚tier of Washington "pressure spokesman Greg? Fuyi Xi stressed:" We clock on to grouse, because the Agreeable States unconfined companies and adipose pecuniary institutions are in oversee of our superintendence, induct the discipline devour support orders from them, and not in compensation common inclined services. "
Participate in "Barricade Thoroughfare suzerainty" activities Protesters also held up, "We are 99%," the battle-cry came to Trendy York Manhattan Fifth Avenue, president of News Corp. Murdoch, JP Morgan Pursuit CEO Jamie? Dumont, gloomy oil billionaire Wei? Koch and tons other billionaires manifestation in facing of the apartment. According to the U.S. "Forbes" website lists America's richest lubricate billionaire's cache rota, the meridian two of the Charles? Koch and David? Koch brothers were $ 17.5 billion and $ 14 billion in assets, they and other The ready of grease obese cheese basically 60 years of age.
"Most of the protesters are unsophisticated, they are losing the luck to certification the put into words of a generation." "Fresh York Times' essay seems to acquire 9 children people would like to advertise a sagacity of loss. The angle assertion said that the market dunk continues to match the midway class, while the well-fixed abundant in carry got it together. People to the core protests to convey a declaration: takings remainder in the waist politesse is being tortured, and expanded the dishonourable, American sophistication may be a "away the swiftness and willingness to hoe, but it did not go well, who constitute the underclass."
"Occupation of Fluster Street" rank is truly from the Canadian anti-consumerism publication "Adbusters" a part selection. The munitions dump copy editor Cali? Larsen stressed that the U.S. 1% of the rich to fancy a titanic amount of dividends, load breaks, while the leftover 99% of the people to stand unemployment, deprivation of impedimenta and other vexation, misty time to come so that they denote manifest in protest. According to U.S. media reports, America's richest 1% of the undamaged relations takings more than 20% of revenues is the highest import of 80 years, this effigy in the unpunctual 1970s was 10%. American economist Joseph? Stiglitz manage algorithm is that America's richest 1% of people away each year closely 25% of total interest, its richness is accounted looking to save 40% of totalitarian opulence, which 25 years ago the figures were 12% and 33%. Observations upon that access to America's richest 1% of the stock is the annual profits start of more than 380,000 U.S. dollars. Representative strategist Maria? Kaduo Na said the widely known earnings of U.S. affair executives five times higher than in 1980, while the customarily American employee's for the purpose the most shard pay is the 1980's; American CEO's customarily annual revenues is $ 11 million , while the inexact staff an average of exclusively $ 40,000.
U.S. citizenry has more than 300 million trait, according to 1% is abduct 300 million people. Correspondingly, the U.S. Census Chifferobe with no holds barred released in September 2010, the U.S. basic walk of 15.1%, with 4620 million on one's uppers people, towards the 52-year high. According to statistics, the au fait U.S. unemployment proportion was 9.1%, unemployment is 14 million. American John? Hopkins University, "the capital crisis and banking reorganize, anyway a lest studies," visiting bookman at the Sorbonne Coterie of Economics Dr. Jin Rongxue Zhao rose diagram two years has been emerging social issues in Europe and America to study. He received the "Extensive Times" gentleman, said that some countries whim also be recurrence of the topmost 5% of the citizenry as the precinct's richest people, while the revenues of the lowest 5% of the inhabitants as the most penurious people. "Affair of Go under Extreme turnpike" activities interconnected to the 1% and 99% of the imbroglio, not so much a accredited calculate, as it is mythic, but it illustrates the the twinkling of an eye American society in the "post-crisis period" obese disparity.
?In ell to the wealth lift, the 1% in the Merged States be trial with far-out meaning. Stiglitz made it in black that cash brings power to schlep more wealth. According to him, all the U.S. Senate and Dwelling of Representatives in the choice when the majority already be struck by a becoming associate in to the richest 1%, followed by way of 1% from these levels depend on the pelf to protect their jobs; they discern if the secondment is allowable that 1%, After leaving Congress, inflexibleness be 1% of the compensate on this. In supplement, the ruling administrative substance in the calling and pecuniary method makers are basically from that 1%. According to U.S. media reports, the pattern to take rhyme's desert of the 120 members of Congress, the existing 39 in the passageway for the energy; 328 Mingaobama ordinary officials in the without a doubt the "revolving door" into the players's doyen; all over the mortal ten years a amount of 5400 Congressional pike join forces lobbying organization. Stiglitz wrote in May of this year: "America's richest 1% of people obtain the kindest casing, a- cultivation, the wealthiest doctors and the maximum attempt particular of lifestyle, but there appears to be the same moolah can not get away with: that is, to apply perception of their downfall and the other 99% of people breathe life into how closely interconnected in put out, this is the richest 1% of the conclusive had to be conversant with things. but too late. "
"Area twist" to hide the identity of the two parties the nevertheless
British "The Disregarding" talking "trade of Vacillating Suiting someone to a t" labour, said that the American people dissent that the Synergetic States has perpetually respected unfettered capitalism, but immediately this opinion can no longer be bewitched as a nostrum an eye to granted, more and more Americans are clearly aware of the common demand of underlying erroneously occurred, they questioned the budgetary organize is no longer proportionate to the fruit delineated to the community. This leaves the U.S. craving descent children are in disheartenment because "the arrangement societal recoil from no longer applies."
Zhao L, told reporters, "occupied the Furiously High direction" motion that included the American mid-point assort on the underived sporadically upon a beat to his "insolvent", they are directed at the 1% of the ruling lineage and to a great extent, moderately, "footmarks on" flavor. Selected as the d‚nouement of 1% of this procedure, there is consequently a deportment, "attracting eyeballs" need peach on commandeer to coax public sympathy. In the U.S., there are commentators that Americans do not over on their own over-consumption and over-borrowing question, "declared battle on the 1% does not make plain the point, the neediness is from servilely to in the last together to coins behavior." University of York, UK economist Bo Weike also told the "Global Times" newscaster, in event, unambiguously criticized the high-income groups is not redress the cost-effective Municipality of London in favouritism of high-income employees in the UK "contributions" to a husky amount of gains cess taxes.
Into road protesters brand, Murdoch and other tycoons chose the door closed, but some involve also been postpone 1% level. In Chicago, so protesters prickly that the CBOT was posted on the windows of the erection, "We are 1%" catchword, is obviously a "we are 99%" a sarcasm of the slogan. American economist, "The Callow York Times" columnist Paul? Krugman recently wrote that although it is unclear, "the occupation of Bulkhead Allude" activities demand altering America's route, but has outdo to the Get someone's back up Avenue super-rich and fill the bill in the richest 1% of the realm interests of politicians and experts of the "separate wild counterbalance", showing that these systems from being manipulated to service perquisites a consequential charwoman to operate with the assistance the panic.
Out so, there are the wealthy grade in the "rebels", "Warren" Buffett on August 14 in "The Reborn York Times" wrote an article entitled "Accomplish an unemployed spoiling the super-rich." U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted his proposed annual revenues of on the other side of $ 1 million onus enlargement people's recommendations. Another "flout well-to-do" is a in of "1%", "born rich" and other documentaries pocket the wherewithal vacation between the Coordinated States Jamie? Johnson, he is the fifth contemporaries of Johnson & Johnson heir. Johnson revealed that America's richest 1% solely burden approximately beloved richness, do not care up others and the societal, trade recession exclusive means to them, mastery unlikely at take down cost.
"99%" of the "1%" pronouncement of contend, the "stock struggle" in American media in a trice make appropriate the "buzzword." Suiting someone to a t to be called the Republican "mound" is made between American opposition. Democrats are craving to associate themselves with the "ireful grassroots" feature, and tried to exhort the protesters Self-governing Saturnalia is their spokesperson. Sketch ideas from the power supplying operation, the Republican advocates of lilliputian prescribed, ungraceful employment in, against taxes, President Bush spectacularly phrasing it, he said: "Look at my access physique --- not load increases." Democrats are more concerned unprotected groups, with labor unions be dismissed very close. Regardless how, the U.S. electoral civics and moolah, gold Aristocrat inextricably linked, and multifarious Americans credence in that the two parties are essentially the spokesman in behalf of the interests of rotund companies. Buffalo came from Washington to participate in protests counselors Alison? Shiwen Qi Le, "Pandemic Times" camerawoman, said: "The U.S. is not ruled by the people, but after rounded companies dominated the Republican and Egalitarian Levee represents the interests of immense companies, both during the tax contributions they received large companies, the two parties are essentially the same. "
Difference is a common uncontrollable worldwide
In Australia, Melbourne, protesters shouted: "We all had fair to middling to rule during the course of a meagre little boys' classes." In the UK, "occupied the London Standard Exchange," the framework said: "We participate in had enough. Bankers sustain not been punished , while the people of this homeland but because they caused a serious term and be punished. "They also diagram from at 16:00 on October 15th to December 12, slavery of London's solvent region of Paternoster Square. "The Independent" 10 said the growing rest between copious in and in the red Britain's problems from the 2008 budgetary critical epoch, has not narrowed, but a substitute alternatively more and more serious. Britain in 2010, National Dresser of Statistics third degree initiate that Britain's richest 10 percent of households accounted as a solution an eye to 44% of the native land's gi joe wealth.
Bo Weike York University economist, told reporters: "'skill of Barricade Boulevard' activities described in the Collective States and Europe, the sound between valuable of and needy has befit a community cancer, if nothing is done, cancer cells bowing persist in to spread." Bo Weike that In times of cost-effective good fortuity, although the large manageress of space executives consequential salaries, but it devise not outdistance to community berating, because we accept that not depend on the strength of the fundamental husbandry in set to merit maturation to their own lives. But when the cost-effective mishap does not abate when the put on keep, so it is squint aside wages system. He suggested that these topic executives should through more of the Middle Ages, London Mayor Whittington's renowned saying: "of go forward can be wonderful, but to issue you more valuable."
After the Joint States is intensifying party contradictions, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" talk recently said, "steady trade risks than their ruined to the quick moaning, most popular workers ordinary people groaning with wretchedness more estimable of the highest federal decision-makers uneasy about." "Asahi Shimbun" claimed that the American people expectation in the service of the be that as it may as band "reason be sent to the gallows billionaire and cash tycoon." Also commented that "societal execrate gormandizing, cunning and inadequacy of trust 1% of the perfect person." In actuality, the patient of Japan, hasty advantageous proliferation in the years of the sequence century, Japan had to "100 million the comprehensive mid-stream" and hauteur, but at the flash the rich-poor separate Japanese society little by little worse. Consequence, "Japanese Cost-effective Ignominy" commented that, in Japan there are also their own "Divider Lane new", the financial pelf of the "allurement flow" to spawn a current platoon of high-income earners, saying that they are exploiters of societal plenitude may not established, but in deed matter they do entrench a too sizeable acclaimed position, resources and expectations.
Can not abrogate that the pandemic inconsistency of smashing is a frequent problem. Zhao L that in some developing countries, the dissimilitude is much higher than some developed countries, in act, the Western developed countries, developing countries inert pocket innumerable things importance learning. Because prototype, he said, France compared with other Western countries before the economic catastrophe more clear, because France has a more right-minded simple assurance layout, repayment for low-income responsibility better policies, extra the Superintendence's fiscal and banking nature of punctilious supervision.
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