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Until he fed, he'd be small, which meant I could indulge in something that I didn't get to do much.By the time you get most men out of their clothes they're not as small as they can get — no, definitely larger.I was picking up a little French here and there in self-defense.He hesitated at my feet, and I realized he was looking at Micah.I shook my head, and lay back against the pillows.They both shook their heads.I slapped his shoulder.I glanced down at the other two men.They definitely weren't ready to go.I waited to be uncomfortable at the thought of three men and just me with no holds barred on the sex.         
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I waited, but the discomfort didn't come.I lay there and waited to feel overwhelmed, or uncomfortable, but… I just wasn't.I started kissing my way down his body, then thought of something.I looked back at Jean-Claude where he knelt on the bed.If it seemed an odd time for a in-depth talk he didn't complain.         
If we were all completely dominant our happy little domestic situation wouldn't work.I blinked at him for a second or two, then shrugged, and said, «Okay.I used hand and mouth to get both Micah and Nathaniel back to the smooth hardness that they had been before all the soul searching.I didn't want any more soul searching tonight.I wanted to touch and be touched.Sex was the only time I let myself go.Let all the worries, the issues, everything wash away.When I had sex I just concentrated on the sex.It was the only time I was truly in the moment with no hesitation and no other thought.I held them both in my hands.           
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